Exhibitions at Galerie Julian Sander |
Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Harold EdgertonHarold Edgerton![]() 17 May – 10 Jul 2025Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Oliver AbrahamPortraits of Artists![]() 15 Mar – 10 May 2025In its exhibition "Oliver Abraham. Portraits of Artists", the Julian Sander Gallery will present a selection of works by photographer Oliver Abraham. The term "artists" is broadly defined: In addition to visual artists such as Ed Ruscha, Gilbert and George, Richard Serra and Taryn Simon, as well as other creative minds from other areas of artistic production, such as the musician Patti Smith, the recently deceased filmmaker David Lynch and the curator Kasper König, who also died last year. Ol… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Xu YongHutong![]() 7 Dec 2024 – 8 Mar 2025In the exhibition Galerie Julian Sander is showing a selection of motifs from the extensive series "101 Portraits of Hutong" by Chinese photographer Xu Yong. In his series, created in 1989/90, he focuses on the history of Beijing's traditional residential areas with their centuries-old houses, backyards and narrow alleyways, the so-called hutongs. Xu Yong was one of the first photographers to go beyond political glamorization and ideological whitewashing and focus on everyday life in modern … more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Larry FinkTough Cookie![]() Early Prints from the Gerd Sander Collection31 Aug – 30 Nov 2024The exhibition Larry Fink - Tough Cookie. Early Prints from the Gerd Sander Collection is a tribute to the American photographer, who died in November 2023 at the age of 82. The presentation focuses on his portrait series Social Graces, which brought the New York-born photographer international fame. Created in the 1970s, it was first exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in 1979 and published in book form in 1984. The 1970s also saw the beginning of the photographer's collaboration with Gerd Sa… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Elfriede StegemeyerPhotographs 1932 – 1938 from the Gerd Sander Collection![]() Fotografien 1932 – 1938 aus der Sammlung Gerd Sander13 Apr – 6 Jul 2024"Elfriede Stegemeyer / elde steeg. Photographs 1932 - 1938 from the Gerd Sander Collection", continues the series of exhibitions focused on the collection of the galerist and collector, Gerd Sander. Elfriede Stegemeyer (1908 - 1988) is one of many female representatives of the photographic avant-garde active during the Weimar Republic. The fact that her name is less well known today than that of other photographers of the style Neues Sehen (New Photography), even within photographic … more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderAugust Sander. du Magazin 1959 - The rediscovery of an oeuvre![]() August Sander. du Magazin 1959 - Die Wiederentdeckung eines OEuvres9 Dec 2023 – 2 Mar 2024With the exhibition "August Sander. du Magazin 1959 - The Rediscovery of an Oeuvre", Galerie Julian Sander refers to a special issue of the Swiss monthly magazine du from November 1959, which was dedicated to the work of the then 83-year-old photographer August Sander. Since it was founded in 1941, the magazine saw itself not only as a forum for humanistic educational journalism, but also as a presentation medium for historical and experimental photography. Internationally renowned p… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Rosalind Fox SolomonPhotographs from the Private Archive![]() 2 Sep – 25 Nov 2023Galerie Julian Sander is excited to show a selection of photographs from the private archive of Rosalind Fox Solomon (b. 1930). The focus of this compilation is on curious images that challenges a second look and lingering time from the viewer. Solomon began her photographic career in the early 1970s, where she studied with Lisette Model during regularly trips to New York City. "My liberation began with her," she said. "I took all kinds of pictures. Model encouraged me to go … more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Peter KeetmanVintage Photographs from the Gerd Sander Collection![]() 22 Apr – 30 Jun 2023With the exhibition "Peter Keetman. Vintage Photographs from the Gerd Sander Collection" Galerie Julian Sander is presenting one of the central figures of post-war German photography. In 1949, Keetman was one of the founders of the fotoform group, whose experimental, graphically incisive works echoed the photographic avant-garde of the 1920s. Keetman knew how to combine the influence that the "New Photographers" of the Weimar period had on him with his own individual percep… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. ChargesheimerChargesheimer The Great![]() 10 Feb – 6 Apr 2023Born in Cologne in 1924 under the name of Karl Heinz Hargesheimer, Chargesheimer studied graphic arts and photography at the "Kölner Werkschulen" (1943-46). From the beginning of his career, Chargesheimer pursued different artistic interests, ranging from opera, theatre, costume design and painting to photography. While developing an extensive documentation of Cologne’s ruins in the early post-war years, the artist also worked as set designer and devoted himself to cre… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Sean HemmerleMID CAREER RETROSPECTIVE2 Sep – 25 Nov 2022Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderMenschen ohne Masken21 Jan – 24 Jun 2022Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Rosalind Fox SolomonFlowing Back and Forth16 Apr – 16 Jul 2021Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Sean HemmerleMy City Recently Removed20 Nov 2020 – 9 Apr 2021Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. SCENES IN THE CITY5 Sep – 28 Nov 2020Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Brocante: La Maison de Chineur fondée à Cologne en 1940Images and Objects from the Gerd Sander collectionErwin BlumenfeldMarcel BroodthaersChargesheimerPaul CitroenJohn Cohen… (27)Harold EdgertonHugo ErfurthWalker EvansLouis FaurerGerard Petrus FieretJaromír FunkeF.C. GundlachPeter KeetmanAndré KertészClarence John LaughlinAdolf LaziRobert LebeckHelen LevittMan RayLisette ModelAugust SanderToni SchneidersAaron SiskindOtto SteinertJosef SudekMaurice TabardClaude TolmerUMBO (Otto Umbehr)Ed van der ElskenFrantisek VobeckyWeegeeWols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze)8 Feb – 29 Aug 2020Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. WINDOW TO THE WORLD![]() Photographs of the 19th century14 Dec 2019 – 25 Jan 2020In the second half of the 19th century, photography was not just about conveying information and knowledge. It should also show that she influenced visual habits and perceptual aesthetics. The works collected in this exhibition are an overview that transcends the images of well-known monuments and monuments, forming an extensive collection that brings the distant - both temporally and geographically - into private life. The exhibited works bring us back in time to couples strolling on the Sieg… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Isabelle ArmandLevon and Kennedy: Mississippi Innocence Project![]() 26 Oct – 7 Dec 2019Gallery Julian Sander is pleased to present photographs by Isabelle Armand: With the “Mississippi Innocence Project”, for which a photo book of the same name has been published, she accompanies two Americans from the Mississippi Delta after their release from decades of imprisonment. In the early 1990s, Levon Brooks and Kennedy Brewer, living in small communities in rural Mississippi, were sentenced for the murder and rape of two little girls from their communities in separate tri… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. John CohenDedication / Hingabe![]() 10 years of Gallery Julian Sander7 Sep – 19 Oct 2019On the occasion of its 10th anniversary Galerie Julian Sander pays homage to the first exhibition of the gallery, which at that time was located in Bonn under the name FEROZ. Under the title "Stories", the gallery displayed a series of photographs personally selected by John Cohen. "The pictures I own, as well as the pictures I am now showing are imbued with the gentle nature that is John. He allows us to be a part of the world, which he has traveled and to see the people and places he has me… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Elfriede StegemeyerSchule des Sehens / School of Seeing![]() 22 Jun – 10 Aug 2019On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of BAUHAUS, Gallery Julian Sander presents a selection of photographs by the artist Elfriede Stegemeyer. Under the title "Schule des Sehens" ("School of Seeing"), Stegemeyer's photographs will be accompanied by works of some of her companions, who will give insight into her life and work. Elfriede Stegemeyer's interest in everyday objects, their formative and creative potential, as well as material structures and connections,… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Oliver AbrahamFreedom of Speech![]() 6 Apr – 15 Jun 2019Gallery Julian Sander shows a series of portraits of extraordinary contemporary personalities by Oliver Abraham. Among them are journalists, musicians, philosophers, representatives of the "New Left" as well as artists and writers. Everyone deals with the topic of surveillance and press freedom and expresses their political attitude artistically. The photographs are accompanied by a text by Noam Chomsky about independent journalism and how it should be shaped. The text is hidden behind… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Alfredo SrurRetrospective![]() 19 Jan – 30 Mar 2019Gallery Julian Sander is very pleased to show a Retrospective of award-winning photographer Alfredo Srur. The Artist was born in Buenos Aires in 1977 and studied film production at the University of California. Since 2000 he has developed documentarian projects in Colombia, Honduras, Ecuador, Argentina, and Peru. He has held teaching positions in major Argentinean institutions, and his work was subject of many solo and group exhibitions in South America and his work can be found in private an… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Rosalind Fox SolomonCARNIVAL 1980![]() 16 Nov 2018 – 13 Jan 2019The gallery Julian Sander is very pleased to show the series Carnival 1980 of American photographer Rosalind Fox Solomon. These works are a compelling example of her humanistic-documentary work as well as a visual manifestation of her seen reality with all its consequences. Rosalind Fox Solomon was born in 1930 in Highland Park, Illinois and currently lives in New York City. She is celebrated for her portraits and her understanding of human suffering, ritual, survival and struggle, which is re… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderAUGUST SANDER - SEEN BY GERD SANDER![]() 8 Sep – 3 Nov 2018"People of the Twentieth Century" is a compilation of German society in the first half of the twentieth century, conceived by my grandfather August Sander using photographs from his commercial work, as well as of people he met and photographed during his travels. The idea behind the project was not to focus on individual personalities but rather to depict the spectrum of society at the time as he saw it. By presenting such a wide gamut of society, he ended up capturing something ve… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. NEUES SEHEN![]() 8 Jun – 1 Sep 2018"We may say we see the world with entirely different eyes." – László Moholy-Nagy This different view on the everyday life, that is rooted in Neue Sachlichkeit (new objectivity) aesthetics, is not limited to industrial and commercial topics, the photographic and objective material and people, but also offers a stance on a topical field that has been under-represented in the exhibition landscape: leisure. Galerie Julian Sander therefore gladly dedicates the summer … more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Sean HemmerleTHEM![]() 15 Mar – 19 May 2018Galerie Julian Sander is very pleased to present the series THEM by photographer Sean Hemmerle, a compelling work of contemporary portraiture and an intelligent visual manifestation of reality, with all its consequences. “These pictures were originally intended as a sort of ‘Fuck you’ to the Bush administration, I never thought after he was gone we would eventually end up with someone that made him look good. They’re a ‘Fuck you’ to someone else now.” … more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Gerard Petrus FieretG. P. Fieret![]() 19 Jan – 3 Mar 2018Galerie Julian Sander is very pleased to show the photographs of Dutch artist Gerard Petrus Fieret. The exhibition presents the great variety of Fierets photographic work and his creative approach to the technical modalities of photography itself. Gerard Petrus Fieret (1924 – 2009) was born in Den Haag (The Hague) in the Netherlands where he worked and spent his life, except for the year 1943 when he was transported to Germany and worked as a forced labourer. After a year and a half, … more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Jory Hull@joryhull – An Instagram Sketchbook![]() 23 Nov 2017 – 13 Jan 2018Instagram has developed into one of the primary grassroots venues for artists as well as collectors, museums, advisors and curators to publicize artworks. In its functions as a medium, exhibition space and artistic sketchbook, it has been tool and content of diverse artistic approaches, fueling an ambivalent stance on and diverse – and even critical – receptions of social media. Recent artistic approaches using Instagram as platform and/or medium are for example Amalia Ulman’… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Aaron SiskindA Painter's Photographer![]() 9 Sep – 18 Nov 2017Galerie Julian Sander is very pleased to present works by Aaron Siskind in the gallery for the first time. "A Painter's Photographer" shows photographs of the artist and references the close connection to Abstract Expressionist painting in Siskind's work. In an essay from 1951, the artist and art critic Elaine de Kooning described Aaron Siskind as a "painter's photographer". After more than 60 years, Siskind remains one of the most closely connected ph… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. William ChristenberryDrawings![]() 30 Jun – 2 Sep 2017The Exhibition takes a closer look at how drawing formed a foundational part of Christenberry's artistic process although it is a relatively unknown and underestimated aspect of his work. Born in 1936 in Tuscaloosa, AL, Christenberry started his artistic career by studying painting at the University of Alabama where he received both his BFA and MA. Although he is most well known for his haunting color photographs of landscapes, signs, and abandoned structures in rural Alabama, he continu… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. #facts![]() Citizen, Land, Body / Mensch, Land, Körper28 Apr – 24 Jun 2017Galerie Julian Sander will present an exhibition showing different perspectives on the current political situation in the USA. Sean Hemmerles THEM: Iraq shows portraits of 25 citizens of Iraq. Shortly after 9/11 Hemmerle traveled to Iraq and Afghanistan to photograph regular citizens. He reminds us that being Iraqi is not synonymous with being a terrorist. It shows people going about their "regular" lives just as we do. As foreign as they may seem, they are much like us. Jory Hull… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Alfredo SrurHERIDAS![]() 22 Oct – 17 Dec 2016Latin America is often described as one of the most violent regions in the world. Reasons for criminality and violence are complex, yet the urban areas characterized by their lack of law and order are specifically prone to eruptions of violence — from the bottom up and top down. The same is true for San Fernando, a district on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. In 2002, Srur was invited by a human rights activist to visit the neighborhood of San Fernando, 30 km away from the city center. The… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Alfredo SrurHERIDAS![]() 1 Oct – 29 Oct 2016The photo series "Heridas" by the Argentinien photographer Alfredo Srur will be displayed for the very first time in Europe as part of EMOP Berlin - the European Month of Photography 2016, and further at Galerie Julian Sander in Cologne, opening on October 22. Latin America is often described as one of the most violent regions in the world. Reasons for criminality and violence are complex, yet the urban areas characterized by their lack of law and order are specifically prone to er… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Xu YongNegatives![]() 2 Sep – 15 Oct 2016In 1989, Xu Yong photographed the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing, China. For 25 years, the negatives have been hidden in his archives in order to prevent censorship by the Chinese government. Photographer Xu Yong was 35 years old when the student’s protests started in the spring of 1989, triggered by the death of Hú Yàobang, the general secretary of Chinas Communist Party. As the regime held on to its rigid policy amidst the drastic change coming about in the Soviet U… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Zwischenbilanz![]() 5 Years Bonn / 5 Jahre BonnMarc Erwin BabejA. Aubrey BodineMarcel BroodthaersChargesheimerWilliam Christenberry… (23)John CohenHarold EdgertonLouis FaurerLarry FinkSean HemmerleJory HullJIANG JianPeter KeetmanAndré KertészAdolf LaziLisette ModelDr. H. NeuhaussAndrew PhelpsJaroslav RösslerAugust SanderAaron SiskindMichael SomoroffMichael SpanoAlfredo SrurElfriede StegemeyerJosef SudekClaude TolmerClark & Joan Worswick8 Apr – 24 Jun 2016Five years ago, on April 8, 2011, Julian Sander opened his first exhibition in his gallery in Bonn. Back then, it was going by the name of FEROZ Gallery. "Zwischenbilanz" now looks back on our history of significant exhibitions, featuring artworks by Chargesheimer, William Christenberry, John Cohen, Harold Edgerton, Larry Fink, Sean Hemmerle, Jory Hull, Jiang Jian, Lisette Model and August Sander and many others. It reflects the diverse inventory of the gallery, including photog… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Jory HullFlyover State![]() 14 Jan – 18 Mar 2016Galerie Julian Sander is pleased to announce the German premier of the exhibition "Flyover State" by American artist Jory Hull. The series of photographs by Hull, born in New Hampshire in 1971, were taken from the window seat on various transcontinental flights between the east and west coast of the United States between 2006 and 2009 with a pointand-shoot-camera. "Flyover State" is an American term used for states situated between New York City and Los Angeles. States, of… more Galerie Julian SanderDEGalerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Hiro MatsuokaHIRO MATSUOKA![]() 18 Feb – 18 Mar 2016Galerie Julian Sander is proud to present works by Japanese photographer Hiro Matsuoka in one of the gallery’s showrooms. Matsuoka’s almost surreal photographs depict mundane elements of life and people in their urban surroundings. The artist’s works mirror, blur, and alter the viewer’s perspective, aiming to alienate and to create secretive impression. This unique character reflects his peculiar style, which Matsuoka developed in the early 90s, when he was studying li… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz / Galerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Marc Erwin BabejMask of Perfection![]() 23 Oct – 18 Dec 2015Beauty as product? – What happens when our subjective perceptions of natural beauty are confronted with the plastic surgeon’s scientific, geometry-based standard of beauty? The women portrayed by Marc Erwin Babej are all in their Twenties and conform to perceptions of beauty in our current society. New York Cory plastic surgeon Dr. Maria M. LoTempio was given the assignment to do what it takes to “upgrade” these “patients” according to the standards of he… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz / Galerie Julian Sander +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. JIANG JianArchives on Orphans![]() 22 Aug – 9 Oct 2015Jiang Jian is a photographer from Henan Province in China, an area rich in history, tradition and culture. For many years, Jiang devoted himself to recording the process of urbanization in this large, agricultural province, but after completing the photographic series Scenes (1986 – 1996) and Masters (1996 – 2001) his focus shifted to the documentation of individual lives and their fate within society. In 2004, the local charitable community and the Buddhist Shaolin Temple launched… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. ChargesheimerCHARGESHEIMER![]() 16 Apr – 3 Jul 2015From the beginning of his career, Chargesheimer (Cologne 1924-1971) pursued different artistic interests. While developing an extensive documentation of Cologne’s ruins in the early post-war years, the artist also worked as set designer and devoted himself to creating metal sculptures, surrealist photomontages and experimental works: pictures created by light and chemicals applied directly onto negatives or photographic paper. In addition to his abstract work, Chargesheimer also exp… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Larry FinkThe Beats![]() Being on the Beat16 Jan – 27 Mar 2015"The day before the day I entered the world of these pictures I was a milk-fed boy of left wing but bourgeois parents in a wholly unique yet unholy America. A boy who wanted to be consequent but was driven by both innocence and blinding anger ... This anger got in the way of my ambition, which was placed in me by my mother, to lead the socialist revolution in the USA.“ Larry Fink In 1958, at the age of eighteen, the photographer Larry Fink left his childhood home on Long Island and… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderThe Last People / Die letzten Menschen![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 201428 Nov – 19 Dec 2014The last People With the seventh group of "People of the 20th Century", FEROZ Galerie closes the August Sander Cycle 2014. Group VII – To the last group of photographs in his work "People of the 20th Century” August Sander assigned just one portfolio with 16 portraits of people who are ill, who have disabilities or are frail, as well as recently deceased individuals. August Sander entitled this portfolio "Idiots, the Sick, the Insane and Matter”, in re… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderThe City / Die Großstadt![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 201423 Oct – 21 Nov 2014FEROZ Galerie will show the penultimate group of August Sander's "People of the 20th Century". The City comprises 11 folders and a total of 134 pictures, and is the most comprehensive compilation of the entire cycle. With the portraits in this group, August Sander gives an account of decisive political events and the everyday life in the big city, unfolding the singularities of the cityscape and its inhabitants. Unlike the previously exhibited groups, Sander modified the origi… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderThe Artists / Die Künstler![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 20144 Sep – 17 Oct 2014August Sander purposely dedicated a whole group of People of the 20th Century to the artist personalities: "The Artists". In 90 pictures he depicts the artistic and cultural scene of the 1920s and 1930s, including writers, actors, designers and musicians. Some of the people shown were closest friends and relatives of August Sander. In particular, the group of the Cologne Progressives is represented by well-known personalities, for instance Anton Räderscheidt as seen in the pic… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderClasses and Professions / Die Stände![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 201418 Jun – 29 Aug 2014From June 18 to August 29 FEROZ Galerie shows the fifth exhibition of the August Sander Cycle 2014 presenting the fourth group of August Sanders epic work People of the 20th Century: “Classes and Professions”. This group forms a representative overview of the classes and the professional groups of the Weimar Republic. Please join us for the opening on Wednesday, June 18. At 7 pm we will screen the documentary movie August Sander - People of the 20th Century by Reiner Holzemer (45&… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderDie Frau / The Woman![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 201415 May – 13 Jun 2014FEROZ Galerie shows the fourth exhibition of the August Sander Cycle 2014 presenting the third group of August Sanders epic work People of the 20th Century: “The Woman”. In this group August Sander looks at the social role of women from different perspectives. more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderTHE SKILLED TRADESMAN / DER HANDWERKER![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 20144 Apr – 9 May 2014From April 4 to May 9 FEROZ Galerie shows the third exhibition of the August Sander Cycle 2014 presenting the second group of August Sanders epic work People of the 20th Century. This series contains 63 pictures. This group includes some of the most famous motifs of August Sander, for instance the “Pastry Cook”. more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderThe Farmer / Der Bauer![]() AUGUST SANDER CYCLE 20148 Mar – 28 Mar 2014FEROZ Galerie is pleased to present the second exhibition in the August Sander Cycle dedicated to the group called “The Farmer.” This is the first of seven groups in People of the 20th Century. August Sander saw the farmer as the prototype citizen in society. Showing the wisdom and the hardship and the joy of life lived by “earth bound people.” The exhibition consists of 115 images showing young and old members of German society.more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderAntlitz der Zeit![]() August Sander Zyklus Teil 124 Jan – 28 Feb 2014FEROZ Galerie will honor the memory of August Sander throughout the year 2014 with a series of 8 exhibitions titled the August Sander Cycle. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of August Sander's passing. Julian Sander, the great grandson, will present the complete People of the 20th Century consisting of 619 images as well as Antlitz Der Zeit (Face of our Time) in 8 discrete exhibitions. A number of special events with round off the program. The start of the August Sander Cycle is on the Ja… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Concrete![]() 6 Dec 2013 – 17 Jan 2014FEROZ Galerie is pleased to present the photography exhibition, CONCRETE. The title of this exhibition as a word represents both a mental position to view and think about the works as well as a designation of a physical material. Julian Sander, the owner of FEROZ Galerie uses the anxious spectrum of this word in the broadest sense as a concept for curating this exhibition. The fact is that we live in a world of media, and we are constantly surrounded by contextualized visual information. The… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Jory HullMy Mind Is Racing![]() 11 Oct – 29 Nov 2013Jory Hull explores the rich tradition of transforming classics from the golden era of steely muscle cars into dynamic speedsters. These fetishized objects of vitesse manifest a pure desire for full-throttle speed. Amidst the biblical roar of the racetrack, Hull rivets his investigation on the projections of speed found in the supersonic graphics and sculptural qualities of ultra-specialized modifications. Hull’s compositions slice into the luscious and highly conspicuous chromatic paints… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Sean HemmerleSOLITARY STRUCTURES![]() 6 Sep – 4 Oct 2013“Photographer Sean Hemmerle finds an elegiac sign of America's fading industrial might in the crumbling urban ruins of the Motor City” —Time Magazine Feroz Galerie is pleased to announce Sean Hemmerle: Solitary Structures, an exhibition of photographs presented simultaneously in the public spaces of Bonn and within our galerie space on Prinz-Albert Straße. Sean Hemmerle photographs the everyday architecture in places of conflict and struggle, ranging from th… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. William ChristenberrySOUTHERN DIALOGUE![]() 17 May – 19 Jul 2013In Christenberry, there is the theme of continuity and rebirth, as well as an extreme reverence for the land. Without its ever being maudlin of sentimental, there is a belief in human goodness and redemption—in virtue and hard work and effort, however tattered. —Walter Hopps, former director of the Pasadena Art Museum William Christenberry’s distinctive art emerged in the 1960s, informed by a deep attachment to the rural landscapes and the material culture of his boyhood hom… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Michael SomoroffA Moment. Master Photographers: Portraits![]() 15 Mar – 10 May 2013These images were a labor of love, an homage to my teachers, friends, and mentors. And, they are my roots, roots that are firmly grounded in the history of photography; that is my history. —Michael Somoroff Feroz Galerie is pleased to announce A Moment. Master Photographers: Portraits, the first complete exhibition of a new series by Michael Somoroff. Introduced in book form October 2012 by Damiani, closely followed by a presentation of select portraits by Feroz Galerie in November at Par… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Harold EdgertonSeeing the Unseen![]() Vintage Photography from Strobe Alley25 Jan – 8 Mar 2013Harold Edgerton Seeing the Unseen: Vintage Photography from Strobe Alley Exhibition: 25.01.2013 – 08.03.2013 Feroz Galerie is delighted to present an exhibition of photographic work by the American scientist and photographer Dr. Harold Edgerton (1903-1990). An early pioneer in stroboscopic photography, Edgerton’s technological developments have extended our vision and revolutionized the medium. We have many varied examples of his work including multiflash and stroboscopic pictures from his… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Galerie +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August Sanderaround Bonn![]() 24 Nov 2012 – 18 Jan 2013August Sanderaround Bonn Exhibition: 24. Nov 2012 – 18. Jan 2013Vernissage: 23. Nov 2012, 18-21 h Feroz Galerie is please to present an exhibition highlighting the landscape photographie of August Sander. On display will be vintage prints of landscape and nature in and around Bonn."On a warm spring morning I packed my seven belongings and hiked through the Nachtigallental. Upon reaching the midpoint of my journey I climbed up a slope, turned and discovered that I was standing on the Wolkenb… more Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Gallery +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Jory HullTWIN INFINITIVES14 Sep – 5 Nov 2012Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Gallery +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. August SanderKarneval Köln26 Jan – 15 Mar 2012Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Gallery +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. Sean HemmerleTwo Pictures8 Sep – 20 Oct 2011Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Gallery +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. A loook at the collection1 Jul – 2 Sep 2011Galerie Julian SanderDEFeroz Gallery +49 (0)221-170 50 70 galerie@galeriejuliansander.de Wed-Fri 10-18, Sat 12-16 + b.a. John CohenStories8 Apr – 24 Jun 2011 |