Exhibitions at Galerie f 5,6 |
Galerie f 5,6DEHanns ZischlerHanns Zischler![]() 7 Jun – 21 Jul 2018Hanns Zischler kommt mich oft in der Galerie besuchen. Er ist ein aufmerksamer und offenherziger Gast. Unsere Gespräche drehen sich um die gezeigte Kunst, sie driften von dort in verwandte Gebiete, und so entsteht meist ein Netz aus Querverweisen und nacherzählten Erfahrungen. Den mir aus "Im Lauf der Zeit" bekannten und geschätzten Schauspieler wollte ich zuerst gar nicht kennenlernen – zu viel hätte ja schief gehen können. Es ist nichts schief ge… more Galerie f 5,6DEUlrich SchmittUlrich Schmitt![]() 5 May – 21 Jul 2017Seit mehr als 15 Jahren arbeitet Ulrich Schmitt an dem Projekt "J. M. Eder-Photographic Chemistry". Johann Maria Eder (1885-1944) war einer der wichtigsten Fotochemiker seiner Zeit, der u.a. das Silbergelantine-Verfahren und eine große Anzahl von Tonungsverfahren mitentwickelt hat. Eder erhielt im Jahr 1884 als fünfter Forscher die Progress Medal der britischen Royal Photographic Society. In der Arbeit von Ulrich Schmitt stehen die physikalischen und chemischen Prozesse… more Galerie f 5,6DEJuliane EirichDale" / Animals Doing Their Thing![]() 10 Feb – 20 Apr 2017Gezeigt werden neue Arbeiten aus den Serien "Dale" und "Animals Doing Their Thing". "Korea Diary", "Itoshima" (Japan) und nun "Dale" (Norwegen) – Juliane Eirich scheint sich ihren Themen immer wieder über Orte anzunähern. Dabei steht allerdings niemals nur der konkrete Ort selbst im Vordergrund, immer auch geht es darum, ein Nachdenken über diese Orte auszustellen. Daher führt uns Juliane Eirich mit ihren Fotografien h… more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf Otto BeckerSkulpturen der Veränderung![]() (sculptures of change)18 Nov 2016 – 4 Feb 2017The landscape as a mirror of modern life is the central theme of Olaf Otto Beckers photographic work. More than 25 years ago – the word "anthropocene" has not yet seen the light of day – Becker set out to document the traces of mankind left behind in nature. From then on he focused on capturing endangered habitats and the excesses of industrialisation and urbanization. The exhibition "Skulpturen der Veränderung" (sculptures of change) comprises new images … more Galerie f 5,6DEJudith StennekenDenn Bleiben ist nirgends![]() 13 May – 29 Jul 2016Die Galerie f5,6 freut sich, erstmals eine Ausstellung von Judith Stenneken (geb. 1979) präsentieren zu können. Die Fotografien von Judith Stenneken erscheinen wie Eindrücke und Erinnerungen an vergangene Reisen, wie ein Reisetagebuch das viele von uns vielleicht schon ähnlich begonnen haben. Jedes Bild verspricht eine beginnende Geschichte, eine Annahme die sich mit der darauf folgenden Fotografie meist auflöst. Die präsentierte Arbeit ist eine Sammlung scheinb… more Galerie f 5,6DEChris KillipChris Killip![]() 6 Nov 2015 – 16 Jan 2016Galerie f5,6 presents a selection of photographs made by Chris Killip (*1946, Douglas, Isle of Man) over the course of 25 years in Huddersfield, Tyneside, Wallsend and the Isle of Man. What came into being is the portrait of the British northeast and its inhabitants, which now serves as evidence of the areas recent past marked by economic decline and the ensuing social consequences. The images have a distinct political connotation, presented as strong, complex and at the same time elegant phot… more Galerie f 5,6DELothar WollehVaticanum II![]() 8 May – 31 Jul 2015Gallery f5,6 is happy to announce the exhibition "Vaticanum II" with works by Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979). Between 1962 and 1965 Lothar Wolleh captured the proceedings of the Second Vatican Council in Rome. These photographs not only became part of the iconic memory of the 20th century, but even today provide insight into an arcane and inaccessible space. The summer of 2015 is dedicated to two pioneers of colour photography. The works by Lothar Wolleh will be on display on the gal… more Galerie f 5,6DEGUEST-ROOM![]() In Cooperation with "Der Greif"26 Mar – 30 Apr 2015Galerie f5,6 and the photography magazine DER GREIF are happy to present the opening of "Guest-Room: Katrin Weber". "Guest-Room" is the latest project of DER GREIF, a monthly online exhibition curated by ten international guests at home in the world of photography. Each curator publishes a combination of works chosen frome roughly 4000 images submitted by international photographers. For Katrin Weber - the second guest-curator - a special print publication and exhibition… more Galerie f 5,6DECarl StrüweFormen des Mikrokosmos![]() 23 Jan – 21 Mar 2015"The images of this publication were realized on 9 x 21 cm plates. A folding camera was put in front of a microscope. All specimen were commercially available; some are individually fabricated." Before listing the table of contents of the publication "Formen des Mikrokosmos", Carl Strüwe (1898–1988) uncovers the secrets behind his photographic work of the years 1926 to 1959. As pioneer of artistic microphotography he wants to explain his process, but at the sam… more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf Otto BeckerReading the Landscape![]() 1 Nov 2014 – 17 Jan 2015With his new project Olaf Otto Becker is distancing himself from his former field of attention. He is leaving behind the icebergs, glaciers and snowmelt rivers, turning towards the earths’ forests. The comprehensive project Reading the Landscape consists of three chapters and depicts the characteristics of three specific habitats. Untouched biotopes in Malaysia, Indonesia and North America are captured in all their glory. Becker is showing us lush, green landscapes and rivers – phot… more Galerie f 5,6DEKONSTELLATIONEN![]() 13 Sep – 25 Oct 2014For the exhibition Konstellationen artists of the gallery were asked to invite an artist of their choosing with the purpose of showing their works side by side and thereby creating constellations thus far unseen. Konstellationen unites teachers and students, friends and related minds all while giving Galerie f5,6 the opportunity to cross its boundaries.more Galerie f 5,6DEGerry JohanssonGERRY JOHANSSON![]() 23 May – 1 Aug 2014Galerie f5,6 is happy to present works by Gerry Johansson. On display will be photographs taken in Germany, Sweden and the United States. These countries, next to Kvidinge (Sweden), Ulan Bator (Mongolia), Pontiac (USA) and Luckenwalde (Germany) are eponymous book titles that refer to projects entirely focused on each location. Since 1998 Johansson’s books outline his photographic body of work. Johansson himself states that he created a series of works that all have something in common, bu… more Galerie f 5,6DEJuliane EirichItoshima![]() 8 Nov 2013 – 25 Jan 2014This November Galerie f5,6 presents the second solo show of photographer Juliane Eirich. With ‚Itoshima‘ the artist presents new work that came about during her stay in Itoshima, Japan, while she attended the artist-in-residence program of Studio Kura. „I see my photographs as architecture- or flora-portraits. There are two palm tree photos, for example, that I think look like family portraits. While, the houses are characters, they evoke stories. They stand for a certain era… more Galerie f 5,6DEHanns ZischlerEarthly Immortality!![]() Irdische Unsterblichkeit!13 Sep – 26 Oct 2013Hanns Zischler combines the métier of author and photographer; which both are comparable to ice-skating: vectorially diverging they unify, when successful, in a motion whose direction is just as much determined as it is arbitrary. To converge through translation always is part of the game. “As to me, working with a Rigby pin-hole camera signifies research, meditation, and evocation.” This is how Hanns Zischler contours his own approach to photography. Research means access… more Galerie f 5,6DEAnne SchwalbeSolo Exhibition![]() 14 May – 27 Jul 2013Galerie f5,6 is happy to present the first solo exhibition of photographer Anne Schwalbe in Germany. Handmade prints from the series Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt (Slowworm and giant leaf), Wiese (Meadow) and Vulkan oder Stein (Volcano or Stone) will be on display at f5,6 from May 11 to July 27. „Volcano or Stone is a series about stones. More or less. It also is a series about the sky and the earth, rivers and lakes. But actually it is about silence, voids and slowness.“ That is h… more Galerie f 5,6DEAnja JensenTatort![]() 1 Feb – 27 Apr 2013Anja Jensen (1967) considers the main characteristic of her work to be the deep connection of the photograph and the place of its origin. Exploring local environments and experiencing their rules and terms, regarding society, history and individual stories, constitutes the basis of her photography and installation projects. Her goal is to uncover every single facet of places by using locals, their story and connection to a specific spot. Jensen tries to make the environment talk. This requires… more Galerie f 5,6DEAndrew MooreNEW AMERICAN WORK![]() 27 Oct 2012 – 26 Jan 2013ANDREW MOORE NEW AMERICAN WORK EXHIBITION: Oct 27, 2012 - Jan 26, 2013 OPENING: October 26, 2012 , 6 - 10 PM October 27, 5PM: Screening of HOW TO DRAW A BUNNY on the occasion of the Kunstwochenende München 2012. Opening Hours during the Kunstwochenende München: Saturday + Sunday 11 – 6 PM Andrew Moore describes his photographic interest as centred in the busy intersections of history, “particularly those locations where multiple tangents of time overlap and tangle”, and thus archit… more Galerie f 5,6DEJonathan GitelsonEveryday Indexes![]() 14 Sep – 20 Oct 2012JONATHAN GITELSON - EVERYDAY INDEXESSeptember 14 - October 20, 2012 Opening: September 14, 2012, 18:00 – 21:00Opening hours during "OPEN ART": Fri, Sept. 14: 18 - 21 hSat/Sun,Sept. 15/16: 11- 18 hWith "Everyday Indexes" Galerie f5,6 is happy to present new work of american artist Jonathan Gitelson (*1975). It is the second show with Gitelsons work after the group show "Chicagraphy" in 2007 at Galerie f5,6, Munich."We live by stories. It’s the princi… more Galerie f 5,6DEWald![]() 4 May – 8 Jul 2012F O R E S T WORKS BY OLAF OTTO BECKER, MICHAEL LANGE & RICHARD ROTHMAN OPENING: Thursday, May 3, 2012, 18:30 - 21 EXHIBITION: May 4 – July 7, 2012 THE ARTISTS WILL BE PRESENT FOR THE VERNISSAGE ON MAY 3, 2012 The forest – landscape of peculiar significance to mankind. Albeit that there are not many historical forests left in germany and it is long since the dying of the primeval forest has entered public discussion, but the forest as imaginary place has not lost its importance. M… more Galerie f 5,6DEEarly color![]() 26 Jan – 21 Apr 2012E A R L Y C O L O R -PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKS BY SAUL LEITER, RAGHUBIR SINGH AND EVELYN HOFEROPENING: 26. Januar 2012EXHIBITION: 27. Januar bis 21. April 2012For your attention: SAUL LEITER at Deichtorhallen Hamburg, February 3 – April 15Gallery f5,6 is happy to announce the upcoming exhibition Early Color. We are presenting, for the first time in this combination, works by renowned photographers Saul Leiter (*1923 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Evelyn Hofer (*1922 Marburg a. d. Lahn - †2009 … more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf Otto BeckerUnder the Nordic Light - a Journey through Time![]() 27 Oct 2011 – 21 Jan 2012OLAF OTTO BECKER - UNDER THE NORDIC LIGHT A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME, ICELAND 1999 - 2011 OPENING: Thursday, October 27, 2011, 6 – 9 pm EXHIBITION: Friday, October 28, 2011 to January 21, 2012 PLEASE NOTE: Olaf Otto Becker Exhibition at the Stadthaus Ulm, December 11, 2011 to March 20, 2012 Northern Traces - Photographs from Broken Line, Above Zero and Under The Nordic Light - A Journey through Time. „For me, taking a photograph is the attempt to fully understand something. … more Galerie f 5,6DEFILED UNDER![]() 21 Oct – 23 Oct 2011Art Weekend MünchenFreitag 21. Oktober bis Sonntag 23. Oktober 2011www.kunst-wochenende.euFILED UNDER/http://filedunder.net/FILED UNDER / ein Projekt von Annahita Kamali (geb. 1984) und Florian Böhm (geb. 1969).Zum Kunstwochenende freuen wir uns, das Projekt FILED UNDER, initiiert von Annahita Kamali und Florian Böhm, exklusiv in der Galerie f 5,6 präsentieren zu können.Unter dem Arbeitstitel Silk Prints werden eigenständige Arbeiten verschiedenster Künstler – unter ihnen Florian Süssm… more Galerie f 5,6DEMax RegenbergCome To Where![]() 9 Sep – 15 Oct 2011MAX REGENBERG - COME TO WHEREOPENING: Fri, 09. September 2011 18 – 21In presence of the artistOPEN ART Festival: Sat, 10. Sept / Sun, 11. Sept , 11 – 18EXHBITION: Sat, 10. September 2011 until 15. October 2011With COME TO WHERE Galerie f 5,6 is presenting an insight to the photographic work of Max Regenberg (*1951, Bremerhaven). We will also be able to host the premiere of the artist book of the same title that comprises 46 black and white works from 1978 to 1984.COME TO WHERE is the… more Galerie f 5,6DEDonata WendersContemplation![]() 27 May – 30 Jul 2011>„...es gibt Momente, in denen die Welt, mit der wir gerade beschäftigt waren, auf einmal verblasst. Wir treten auf eine Lichtung, deren Grenzen wir nicht wahrnehmen und in der eine andere Zeit herrscht. Sekunden werden zur Ewigkeit.“ Donata Wenders, Vorwort von „islands of silence“, Prestel 2006Nach 2004 und 2006 ist Contemplation nun die dritte Einzelausstellung der wunderbaren Fotografien Donata Wenders in der Galerie f 5,6. Waren die beiden vorangegangenen Ausst… more Galerie f 5,6DEBeth Yarnelle EdwardsSuburban Dreams![]() 14 Apr – 21 May 2011Beth Yarnelle Edwards - Suburban DreamsEröffnung: Donnerstag, 14. April 2011 Finissage: Samstag, 21. Mai 2011 (die Künstlerin wird anwesend sein) Ausstellung: Freitag, 15. April – 21. Mai 2011„My intention is not to critique but to observe.“ (Beth Yarnelle Edwards, Artist Statement 2011)Anlässlich des ersten großen Buchprojekts Suburban Dreams (Kehrer Verlag, 2011) von Beth Yarnelle Edwards freuen wir uns die gleichnamige Ausstellung in unseren Räumen … more Galerie f 5,6DENigin BeckTehrangeles![]() 17 Feb – 9 Apr 2011Nigin Beck TehrangelesOpening: Thursday, 17th February 2011 Exhibition: Friday, 18th February - Saturday, 09th April 2011Tehrangeles – Galerie f5,6s’ next exhibition will unite two consequent series of young artist Nigin Beck. Teheran – Los Angeles; what might appear to be a contradiction or without connection at first is explained by the artists own biographical background. Nigin Beck (*1984, in Munich), daughter to an iranian mother and german father travelled, in 2005 for th… more Galerie f 5,6DEAbstract![]() 26 Nov 2010 – 12 Feb 2011‹abstract›Antonio Azuaga / Richard Caldicott / John Goto / Edward Mapplethorpe / Silvio WolfOpening, Thursday 25th November 6:30 – 9 pmExhibition: 26.11.2010 - 29. 1. 2011The exhibition ‹abstract› as the definition most simply states is quite simply an „abstract“ and concurrently a small exploration into the possibilites of abstract photography now. Since 2003 abstract photography has been a central and recurring theme of the gallery programme. Next … more Galerie f 5,6DEBrian UlrichDark Stores/Dead Malls/Ghost Boxes![]() 11 Sep – 6 Nov 2010B R I A N UL R I C H Dark Stores, Dead Malls & Ghostboxes Opening: Friday 10th September 2010 Exhibition: 11th September - 6th November 2010 „The vitality of our economy depends upon the willingness of Americans to spend“. (George W. Bush 26th October 2001) Gallery f5.6 is proud to announce Brian Ulrich‘s first solo exhibition in Europe. Brian Ulrich (b. 1971, NY) received the Guggenheim fellowship in 2009 for his ongoing project examining Consumer Culture in the United States. On show… more Galerie f 5,6DEJuliane EirichSolo Exhibition![]() 21 May – 4 Sep 2010"The uniqueness of certain places often only appears at nighttime. The artificial, exemplary aesthetic, the colours seem to me very appealing." (Juliane Eirich) Gallery f5,6 presents the promising young newcomer Juliane Eirich (b. 1979, Munich). The exhibition concentrates on a selection of nightshots from her work over the past few years. These include photographs of school buildings in Hawaii, images form her fellowship in South Korea - her project "Korea Diary", and images shot in Miami. … more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf Otto BeckerAbove Zero![]() 5 Mar – 15 May 2010After his breathtaking, prize-winning photographs of the coast of Greenland in Broken Line, Olaf Otto Becker (*1959 in Travemünde) turns his attention to the interior of the island in his new series, Above Zero. www.hatjecantz.de Second only to Antarctica, Greenland has the most expansive continental ice sheet in the world. Becker's spectacular portraits of this region are taken with a cumbersome and heavy large-format camera during physically strenuous, sometimes life-threatening tours among … more Galerie f 5,6DELilian Bassman & Paul Himmel![]() Hommage an das legendäre Künstlerehepaar15 Dec 2009 – 27 Feb 2010Lillian Bassman & Paul Himmel Gallery f5.6 Opening: Saturday 12 Dec 2009 4-7pm Exhibition 12. Dec 2009 - 27 Feb 2010 Lillian Bassman & Paul Himmel- Die Erste Retrospektive Haus der Photographie , Deichtorhallen Hamburg 27 Nov 2009 - 21 Feb 2010 An extensive catalogue (Kehrer) wil be available as well as Lillian Bassman's new book Women (Abrams) "No one else in the history of photography has captured this breathtaking moment between the appearance and disappearance of things, like Lillian Bas… more Galerie f 5,6DESaul LeiterSolo Exhibition![]() 9 Oct – 5 Dec 2009The lyricism and intensity of his vision come into fullest play in his eloquent handling of color unequaled by his contemporaries. Leiter's visual language of fragmentation, ambiguity, and contingency is evoked by these subtle, painterly images that stretched the boundaries of photography in the second half of the 20th century." Martin Harrison Gallery f5.6, Munich in association with the Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York is pleased to anounce the first presentation of works by renowned 86 yea… more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf MartensBlockschokolade GDR 1979-1989![]() DDR 1979-198925 Jun – 3 Oct 2009Olaf Martens Blockschokolade GDR 1979 - 1989 "Olaf Martens has been sighting his archive for some time now. True treasures have come to light. Nobody has photographed everyday-life in the DDR quite as unvarnished as him. Martens mastered Street Photography of the East at a time when he couldn't have even known the term existed Olaf Martens does what one is not supposed to." Hans Eberhard Hess Photo International Gallery f5.6, Munich, is very proud to present for the first time ever, Olaf Mart… more Galerie f 5,6DEThomas WredeReal Landscapes![]() 8 May – 20 Jun 2009"I see the world as a kind assembly kit, a grand stage, as image and simulacrum." (Thomas Wrede) With the presentation of Real Landscapes Gallery f5.6, Munich is pleased to present the second solo exhibition of Thomas Wrede. His Picture Worlds and Landscapes series brought great attention to his work on national as well as international level. Recently published was the monography Manhattan Picture Worlds with accompanying texts from Christoph Schaden. What is Thomas Wrede presenting to the vie… more Galerie f 5,6DEJulia PeironeViolet Vertigo![]() 11 Mar – 2 May 2009Julia Peirone - Violet Vertigo www.juliapeirone.com Gallery f 5,6 is pleased to show the latest works from the series Violet Vertigo by Swedish shooting star Julia Peirone. Julia Peirone received the prestigious Swedish state funded London residency IASPIS in 2008, where the photographic based series, a sculptural project and a video piece was created. Violet Vertigo is her second exhibition at the gallery. Central to Julia Peirone work is the concept of artistic process and its possibility of… more Galerie f 5,6DEb-sides![]() Sondereditionen von 18 Künstlern der Galerie3 Feb – 7 Mar 2009b-sites A project by Nicole Stanner & Florence Baur 18 Artists, each 30x40 cm, Edition 50x Working directly with our long standing gallery artists , we are proud to present one image from each artist purely exclusive to the f5,6 Special Edition 2008. Printed as 30x40cm format, each image represents a kind of footnote to the main body of work. Created in an edition of 50, the idea is to offer high quality art at more affordable prices. You can lay the foundation for your own extraordinary colle… more Galerie f 5,6DEEd van der ElskenAmsterdam!![]() 12 Nov 2008 – 17 Jan 2009Ed van der Elsken - Amsterdam! "Ed was a great believer in the power of the individual..One of the reasons why he flourished in Amsterdam, was that so many strong characters lived there: He made it his job to locate and photograph them... .. Above all you can sense his energy and determination to document the city he loved do much..." (Martin Parr, Ed van der Elsken , My Amsterdam) Galerie f5;6 is proud to present one of the most famous and internationally renowned Dutch photographers and fil… more Galerie f 5,6DELothar WollehKünstlerportraits![]() 26 Sep – 5 Nov 2008Die Galerie f5,6 für Fotografie in München zeigt als erste europäische Galerie Arbeiten einer der genialsten und ungewöhnlichsten deutschen Portraitfotografen der 60iger und 70iger Jahre – Lothar Wolleh (geboren 1930, gestorben 1979) Sein Großprojekt und Lebenswerk sind Künstlerporträts, die er ab den frühen 60er Jahren bis zu seinem plötzlichen Tod 1979 systematisch erarbeitete. Sie entstanden ohne Auftrag, angetrieben allein durch das Ziel der lückenlosen Dokumentation der Kunsts… more Galerie f 5,6DEmäandern - Arbeiten von Studenten der Akademie München![]() 4 Jul – 20 Sep 2008"Kein bestimmter Lehrplan", so betitelt anlässlich ihrer 200 Jahr Feier die Akademie der Künste in München auf ihrer eigenen website einen Text zu ihrer Struktur. Das noch immer existierende, die Akademie prägende System der freien Klassen wurde mit diesen Worten von dem Philosophen Friedreich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling schon in der Gründungsurkunde von 1808 festgelegt. Dadurch sollten die individuellen Stärken der Studierenden gefördert werden. Die Aktualität dieses Grundsatzes der Diver… more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf Otto BeckerSolo Exhibition![]() 4 Apr – 28 Jun 2008Galerie f5,6 is proud to announce an exhibition with internationally renowned German photographer Olaf Otto Becker (born 1959, Travemünde, Germany). The works are from his new series Broken Line, (published by Hatje Cantz). This publication was awarded with the German Photo book prize 2008. Between 2003 and 2006 Olaf Otto Becker travelled almost 4000 km along the West Coast of Greenland on his own, in a small dingy. The sole purpose of his trip was to portray this coastal region with … more Galerie f 5,6DEFlorian BöhmSolo Exhibition![]() 1 Feb – 29 Mar 2008Exhibition 1. February - 29th March 2008 Opening: 31st January, Florian Böhm will sign his new catalogue Wait for Walk (published by Hatje Cantz) Concurrently: Forum 11, Fotomuseum, Munich, 25. January - 23. March 2008 Galerie f5,6, Munich, Germany is proud to present works by Florian Böhm on the occasion of the publication of his new catalogue Wait for Walk (Hatje Cantz Verlag) and an exhibition at the Fotomuseum in Munich. The gallery will show works from the series Wait for Walk as we… more Galerie f 5,6DELawrence SchillerMarilyn 12![]() 9 Nov 2007 – 19 Jan 2008Galerie f5,6, Munich, Germany is proud to announce an exhibition by American Lawrence Schiller of his legendary Marilyn Monroe portfolio, accompanied by other historic images of the 60's. Lawrence Schiller was one of the most important magazine photographers in the 60's working for Magazines such as Stern, Paris Match, Life Magazine , Time, Newsweek and the Saturday Evening Post. And through this turbulent and tumultuous decade, it often seemed that whenever a headline-making news event occurre… more Galerie f 5,6DECHICAGRAPHY![]() 14 Sep – 3 Nov 2007Brian Ulrich was born 1971 in Northport, NY. Now living and working in Chicago, he forms part of the artist group Chicagraphy. He examines dominant American consumer culture in his work. Working as a kind of visual anthropologist Ulrich studies the act of shopping, in particular at shopping malls and thrift stores in direct relation to its political, social and cultural implications. This project Ulrich has termed Copia (Latin, plentiful supply, abundance). He often works as part of the group of… more Galerie f 5,6DELillian Bassman and Paul Himmel![]() Neue und unveröffentlichte Arbeiten eines legendären Künstlerehepaares22 Jun – 8 Sep 2007Lillian Bassman was born in 1917 in Brooklyn, New York. She reigns today as the doyenne, one of the last great women photographers of the post war period. She was married to Paul Himmel in 1935 and is one of the truly great artist couples, literally of the last Century, they have been married for more that 73 years! Lillian Bassman's work in black and white is the experimental and romantic vision, as seen mostly in Harper's Bazaar in the 1950's that brought a sophisticated, new aesthetic to pri… more Galerie f 5,6DERichard CaldicottSolo Exhibition![]() 21 Apr – 9 Jun 2007The early work of Richard Caldicott is in dialogue with the tradition of the photographic still-life and its reference into abstract painting. His objects of plastic everyday day Tupperware are taken out of its context and are canonised into the realms of 60's abstract art in a post modern , humorous manner. As Christopher Schreier writes: "Of a quite commanding, space-impinging presence, their dispute with painting, however, lies on a different, non-metric level. Even a first impression reveals… more Galerie f 5,6DEReview - 4 Jahre Galerie f5,6![]() 9 Feb – 24 Mar 2007Die Galerie f5,6 zeigt zum vierjährigen Bestehen eine umfangreiche Gruppenausstellung mit 12 internationalen Positionen, von Altmeistern der Fotografie bis hinzu jüngeren zeitgenössischen Positionen. Der Bogen spannt sich von klassischer Portrait- und Landschaftsfotografie, Modefotografie, über Dokumentar- und Straßenfotografie hin zu „New Topographics“, sowie experimenteller Abstraktion. Neben Altmeistern wie Helen Levitt (geb. 1913, USA) oder Raghubir Singh (1942-1999, Indien/USA) wer… more Galerie f 5,6DEHelen LevittSolo Exhibition![]() 1 Dec 2006 – 27 Jan 2007Gallery f5,6 presents an exposition on colour and black and white photographs of one of 20th centuries most renowned American photographers and film producers: Helen Levitt (born 1913, Brooklyn New York). For more than half a century her work forms an essential part of American photography. Already in 1943 the Museum of Modern Art, New York dedicated an exposition on her work, at Dokumenta X her work was rediscovered in a modern context. Most recognition she earned with her street photographs s… more Galerie f 5,6DEOlaf MartensPeripherie & Havarie![]() 20 Oct – 28 Nov 2006Galerie f5,6 proudly presents new and unpublished work by the East German artist Olaf Martens (born 1963 in Halle, Germany). His work will also be shown at Paris Photo 2006. Martens is interested in staging his pictures like a theatre play. In his often humorously constructed images, Martens combines a take on fashion, documentary, conceptual, social, even animal photography and art historical and socio-political references. His work cannot be categorised but is a combination of what can be ter… more Galerie f 5,6DEAndréas LangSolo Exhibition![]() 9 Sep – 14 Oct 2006Andreas Lang beschäftigt sich in seinen Arbeiten sich seit vielen Jahren mit dem Thema der Landschaft, den "inneren Landschaften Europas" (A.Lang). Die Arbeiten entstehen nach intensiver Recherche auf seinen Reisen durch Europa, wie Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, über Tschechien, Griechenland und Spanien bis hin nach Südpolen. In Europa gibt es in der Regel keine "unschuldigen Landschaften; fast alle Landschaften sind Orte kultureller und geschichtlicher Prägung" (U.Pohlmann) über viele… more Galerie f 5,6DEAndrew MooreSolo Exhibition![]() 2 Jun – 2 Sep 2006Gallery f5,6 is proud to announce the first solo exhibition in Germany of the successful American photographer Andrew Moore. The exhibtion features an extract of the series Russia and New York (USA). The large-sized works of Andrew Moore are documents and - at the same time -"portraits" of Russia's present and New York's old theatres of 42nd Street. Moore's works not only face the visible architecture, but also portrait the nuances of their inner life. Thereby, they capture the intersection of… more Galerie f 5,6DEJulia PeironeSolo Exhibition![]() 31 Mar – 27 May 2006"Meine Arbeit handelt oft von unserer inneren Welt, die mit dem äußeren Leben, das wir gezwungen sind zu leben und zu akzeptieren, konfrontiert wird. Ich mag es, die kleinen Momente zu finden, in denen sich größere Fragen auftun. Ich suche nach der Schwingung zwischen dem Gesagten und dem nicht Gesagten." (Julia Peirone) Die Galerie f5,6 präsentiert die erste deutsche Einzelausstellung des schwedischen Shootingstars Julia Peirone (geb 1973), die hauptsächlich im Bereich der Fotografie und… more Galerie f 5,6DEMax RegenbergSolo Exhibition![]() 7 Feb – 30 Mar 2006Das Werk von Max Regenberg (geb.1951 in Bremerhaven) ist im Kontext der künstlerischen Fotografie eine einzigartige, solitäre Position. Seit 25 Jahren verfolgt Regenberg konsequent ein einziges Thema: das Wechselspiel von Großflächenplakaten und dem öffentlichem Raum. Angeregt zu diesem Projekt wurde der gelernte Fotograf während eines Aufenthaltes in Nordamerika, wo bereits Mitte der 1970er Jahre überdimensionale Billboards das Straßen-bild beherrschten und den Siegeszug der Bild- über… more Galerie f 5,6DESelektion # 1Arbeiten in Schwarz/Weiß29 Nov 2005 – 14 Jan 2006Galerie f 5,6DEEs ist Sommer - Es ist heiß2 Jul – 4 Sep 2004 |