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Exhibitions at FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Michael Kerstgens



8 Mar – 11 May 2025
Euphoria on the dance floor, turmoil in the factories, ever-changing landscapes – the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) will present the first comprehensive exhibition of the work of the German documentary photographer Michael Kerstgens (b. 1960) in "Michael Kerstgens. Out of Control". The exhibition provides a deep insight into his work spanning more than forty years, featuring long-term socio-political photographic essays in black-and-white and colour from Germany, Russia. With great sensitiv… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Martin Parr

Early Works

Early Works

13 Sep 2024 – 16 Feb 2025
With the exhibition "MARTIN PARR. EARLY WORKS" on view from September 13, 2024 to January 5, 2025 the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) shows another highlight in its 40th anniversary year. As an observer of life, the ironic and socially critical eye of MAGNUM photographer Martin Parr has become an integral part of the history of photography. This exhibition of rarely seen black and white images made by the British photographer between 1970 and 1985 is on view for the first time in Germany.

Bi… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



13 Sep 2024 – 16 Feb 2025

Mit einer umfangreichen Werkauswahl gibt die Ausstellung "PASSIONATELY – FFF MEMBERS SHOW" einen Überblick über die Sehnsüchte und Interessen, die die Mitglieder des Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) persönlich mit dem Medium Fotografie verbinden. Anlässlich des 40. FFF-Jubiläums waren alle FFF Mitglieder in einem Open Call eingeladen, eigene Arbeiten für eine Ausstellung einzureichen, die von einer Jury bewertet wurden.

Diese Ausstellung ist allen Teilnehmenden – über 200 Mitgli… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

RAY Echoes Identity

RAY Echoes Identity

5th International Triennial of Photography

3 May – 1 Sep 2024
For decades, the institutions and collections in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region have been home to a remarkable density and expertise in the field of photography and related media. After the last four successful editions of the RAY – Triennial of Photography, now eleven cooperating institutions are joining forces to make this focus internationally visible. With exhibitions, numerous events, including the beginning three-day festival on the triennial theme of "ECHOES", RAY offer a multiface… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



4 Jun – 13 Jun 2024
IMAGINE presents photographic positions about reality and imagination with the artists Jana Hartmann, Shir Newman and Jeannette Petri. Their works are concerned with environment, war and violence as well as identity and gender. As part of the series "Dialogues between Word and Image" from the Women’s Department Frankfurt, this exhibition curated by PhD Sonja Müller and realized by Linda Kagerbauer (Women’s Department) is a cooperation with FFF and Historisches Museum Frankfurt on the occa… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Aïda Muluneh



1 Feb – 14 Apr 2024

With vibrant colours and an extraordinary visual language, the artist Aïda Muluneh advocates awareness for currently urgent issues such as the unequal distribution of access to water, food and education, the abuse of power and the empowerment of women. Under the title AÏDA MULUNEH. ON THE EDGE OF PAST FUTURE, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt is showing seven series of works by the Ethiopian photo artist from the past ten years.

Aïda Muluneh expresses her critical concerns with art… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18




7 Oct 2023 – 7 Jan 2024

Mit der Ausstellung PARADISE, PERFORMANCE, REPLICA. SLOVENIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC ART präsentiert das Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) drei Positionen zeitgenössischer Fotografie aus Slowenien. In den Arbeiten von Vanja Bućan, Jošt Dolinšek und Bojan Radovič geht es um die Inszenierung sozialer Rollen, den Blick des Individuums auf seine Umgebung und um das Spiel mit dem Phänomen der Wiederholung. Zugleich loten alle drei Künstler*innen auf jeweils eigen… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Abe Frajndlich



20 May – 17 Sep 2023

He has portrayed luminaries from music, art and showbiz, surreally depicted the boundlessness of the big city and brought the greats of photographic history in front of the camera. With ABE FRAJNDLICH. CHAMELEON, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) presents the iridescent diversity in themes of the American photographer Abe Frajndlich (*1946, Frankfurt/Main).

On view are around 160 works from the 1970s onwards, including Frajndlich's earliest vintage prints from Cleveland. As a focal … more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Prix Pictet: FIRE

Prix Pictet: FIRE

21 Apr – 7 May 2023

Prix Pictet, the world's leading prize for photography and sustainability, is coming to Frankfurt. Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) presents the exhibition PRIX PICTET FIRE. On display are stirring images on the subject of fire – with high level relevance: "Last summer we were inundated with images of fire at its most frighteningly destructive," writes Sir David King, chairman of the prize jury, in the book accompanying the show. "These were not the harbingers of cris… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Nhu Xuan Hua

Hug of a swan

Hug of a swan

10 Feb – 9 Apr 2023

She creates photographic art of her very own kind and is considered as a remarkable new talent: Nhu Xuan Hua, born in Paris in 1989 to a family of Vietnamese origin, has made her name internationally as a fashion and portrait photographer. She works for magazines such as Vogue, The Wall Street Journal, Dazed Beauty and TIME Magazine as well as for major fashion brands such as Dior, Kenzo and Levi's. The exhibition "NHU XUAN HUA. HUG OF A SWAN" highlights the photographer's … more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Carlos Pérez Siquier



15 Oct 2022 – 15 Jan 2023

The Spanish photographer Carlos Pérez Siquier (1930-2021) is one of the leading figures of photographic modernism. He maintained a key position in Spanish photography, first through his neorealist works and later as a pioneer of colour photography. In cooperation with the Fundacíon MAPFRE, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) presents a retrospective of his most important series from 1957 to 2018.

The now legendary series La Chanca, begun in 1956, already conveys some stylistic fea… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Elina Brotherus



4 Jun – 18 Sep 2022

She changes roles and perspectives, plays with relationships in the creative process and opens ever new doors between photography and other visual arts with palpable delight. The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) honours the Finnish artist Elina Brotherus with the comprehensive survey show IN REFERENCE TO A SUNNY PLACE.

On display are central themes and works from the past 20 years. In various image series and video works, Brotherus repeatedly deals with the diverse connections between mode… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Ferhat Bouda

Photographs and Diaries

Photographs and Diaries

18 Mar – 22 May 2022

Former nomadic communities are just one of the topics of Ferhat Bouda’s work. Through impressive visual narratives, the photographer documents the life and survival of the cultures in transition. For ten years Bouda has sought out isolated desert communities and mountainous earthen abodes, traditional urban neighbourhoods and farming villages spread across North Africa, concentrating on the everyday life of today’s Imazighen, "free people", a term many now prefer to the m… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Torben Eskerod



29 Jan – 6 Mar 2022

The Danish photographer and artist Torben Eskerod (*1960) is internationally known for his various portraits of different existences – such as hypnotists, nuns,healers or even friends between 40 and 50 – and his portrait-like photographs of death masks or wooden model heads. In addition, his professional practice includes intriguing contemplative images of architecture and landscapes, photographs of art and artifacts as well as works made in collaboration with anthropologists, arc… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Peter Fink



2 Oct 2021 – 9 Jan 2022
A voyager of beauty: Including more than 200 pictures and objects from all phases of his career, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents a comprehensive exhibition of the American photographer Peter Fink.

An affinity for beauty shaped the life and work of the American photographer Peter Fink (1907 – 1984). After studying art in Chicago, his talents led him into the world of exclusive interiors and lifestyle. He worked as an art director for the couturier Lucien Lelong and Lanvin Parfums,… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



RAY Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain

3 Jun – 12 Sep 2021

Working together as a curatorial team to highlight the outstanding potential of artistic photography is the principle of the Triennial RAY Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain. The fourth edition of RAY will be dedicated to the theme of IDEOLOGIES, with exhibitions, events and a RAY festival. As one of the five central exhibition venues of RAY 2021, the FOTOGRAFIE FORUM FRANKFURT (FFF) shows works by Akinbode Akinbiyi, Johanna Diehl and Qiana Mestrich. Under the motto "After IDEOLOGIES&… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



19 Sep – 25 Oct 2020

It's about dating services, multicultural family life and legacies of German history: Karla Hiraldo Voleau, Tobias Kruse and Mika Sperling, the second year of the recommended fellowship, allow personal insights into their private themes with their artistic projects.

The functions and possibilities of contemporary photography are the focus of the fellowship recommended. What role does photography play in sharing information and emotions? What new forms of expression can the medium offe… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18




1 Feb – 30 Aug 2020
Five decades of photography, as seen from a female perspective: with RESISTANCE & SENSIBILITY, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents 150 works by 50 Italian women photographers from 1965 until today. Various facets of daily routines, social and contemporary history are on display, mainly with a focus on women’s lives. Hopes and illusions, relationships, struggles and going beyond borders are just some of the aspects addressed.

All works are part of the Collezione Donata Pizzi. The c… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18




3 Oct 2019 – 12 Jan 2020
The subtleties of light are on focus in the works of Dag Alveng, A K Dolven and Linn Pedersen, presented in ETHEREAL. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART FROM NORWAY. With photography, video and installation the three Norwegian artists examine the effect of light on perception and desires. The exhibition is the FFF contribution to Norway’s Guest of Honour Programme for the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019.

The light of Norway is legendary. Shimmering, glistening, sky-lit, and always a little more intense than els… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Michel Campeau

The Donkey that Became a Zebra: Darkroom Stories

The Donkey that Became a Zebra: Darkroom Stories

13 Jul – 22 Sep 2019
Michel Campeau has been obsessed with photography for more than 40 years. Throughout his career, the Canadian artist and collector (*1948, Montreal) has explored the medium of photography, examining the subjective and narrative aspects of the work in front of and with the camera. Campeau revolves around photography with great passion and always new questions: How and why do we photograph? How has photography influenced our view of ourselves? What is still relevant and effective about the analogu… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Graciela Iturbide



8 Mar – 30 Jun 2019

With her black and white images Graciela Iturbide brings us the shadows of human existence. Traditions and their fragility, belief and religion, community and death are common themes for the artist. Within a five-decade career she has built an œuvre that is fundamental for understanding the development of photography in Mexico and the rest of Latin America. The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) honours the artist, who was born in 1942 in Mexico-City, with her first retrospective in German… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



1 Dec 2018 – 10 Feb 2019
What relevance does photography have today? Is it self-reflective or does it influence our perception and shape our view of the world? Questions like these are the focus of the first fellowship recommended which Olympus initiated in 2017 together with the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF), the House of Photography /Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam. The inquiry of the medium guides us through the works of Lilly Lulay, Thomas Albdorf and Nadja Bournonville: For one year th… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



Photographic Art from Georgia

22 Sep – 18 Nov 2018

What inspires today’s photographers in Georgia? Where are the roots? How do the photographic artists reflect upon their own identity? The exhibition "PICTURE LANGUAGES. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART FROM GEORGIA" provides answers and viewpoints presenting twelve important photographic 'voices' of Georgia’s relatively unknown scene. Their works, mainly created since the end of the Soviet Union, show current trends and developments: Documentary images of Georgia’s struggl… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



Fototriennale RAY 2018

24 May – 9 Sep 2018

The topics are scarred landscapes, animals threatened with extinction and the often dubious practices of industry and politics: As part of the photography triennial RAY 2018 the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents contemporary artists who are working on the forefront of environmental awareness. On display are works by Mathieu Asselin (*1973 FR/VZ), Lois Hechenblaikner (*1958 AT), Paula Luttringer (*1955 AR/FR), Pradip Malde (*1957 TZ/US), Gideon Mendel (*1959 ZA/GB), Ami Vitale (*1971 US) as we… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Jaromír Funke

Avant-Garde Photographer

Avant-Garde Photographer

Fotograf der Avantgarde

27 Jan – 29 Apr 2018
Overlooked until recently, now on show in Frankfurt/Main: The Czech artist Jaromír Funke radically pushed the boundaries of photography. For the first time in Germany, the FFF presents the Avant-garde works of this visionary. During the same time, the FFF presents a second exhibition featuring emerging talents from the Czech Republic.

Experiments with light and shadow, reflections and transparencies: Jaromír Funke (1896–1945) counts as one of the most important representati… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

OPAVA SCHOOL. Close-up/NahSichten

OPAVA SCHOOL. Close-up/NahSichten

Contemporary tendencies from the Czech Republic

27 Jan – 29 Apr 2018

Next to the exhibition of Jaromír Funke the FFF presents the second exhibition "OPAVA SCHOOL. CLOSE-UP" taking place at the same time to feature contemporary tendencies from the Czech Republic. On display are images of the photographers at the renowned Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian University Opava, Czech Republic. The photographs focus on existential moments: privacy, relationships, inner reflection. The topics of the young generation are highly personal an… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Bruno Barbey



9 Sep 2017 – 14 Jan 2018

Moments of a carefree childhood, the respectful gaze into foreign cultures or aspects of the humane during political conflict and war: the diversity of his topics and his insightful image vocabulary have shaped the career of Bruno Barbey (*1941) as one of the most successful photojournalists of our time. With BRUNO BARBEY "PASSAGES" the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents the oeuvre of the French photographer. On display are 100 photographs in black-and-white and colour, from the ea… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



10 Jun – 27 Aug 2017

More than 150 works from ten international photographers make the era of Rock, Funk, and Punk come alive in the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt. The exhibition also features record covers, photographs documenting fashion statements and publications of the time.

Emotions, escapades, excesses: More than 150 photographs, record covers, and fanzines give witness to the attitude surrounding the historic impact of three musical genres reflected in the exhibition’s title "ROCK.FUNK.PUNK."… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18




25 Feb – 28 May 2017
Nine women, eight countries, one river: The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents "DANUBE REVISITED. THE INGE MORATH TRUCK PROJECT", a photographic road trip through Europe. At the same time it celebrates the role of women in contemporary documentary photography. This exhibition produced by Fundación Telefónica, shows over 100 works from the international photographers Olivia Arthur (GB), Lurdes R. Basolí (E), Kathryn Cook (USA/CH), Jessica Dimmock (USA), Claudia Gua… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Sascha Weidner



10 Dec 2016 – 29 Jan 2017

1001 photographs, a presentation of personal moments: one is visible, one is hidden. Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents the exhibition SASCHA WEIDNER. WHAT REMAINS. This project is interactive: the visitors are invited to take a photograph, if they write down why they have taken that exact image.

A bright red silk scarf on cobblestone pavement, a rumpled sheet, the flicker of a shadow in the night, a close up of veined skin – with seemingly random snapshots, the Berlin photographer S… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Hanne van der Woude



24 Sep – 4 Dec 2016

The exhibition "EMMY‘S WORLD" is the result of an unusual, long-term project: starting in 2009, the Dutch photographer, Hanne van der Woude took part in the lives of the aging artist couple Emmy Eerdmans and Ben Joosten. The young photographer spent an intensive time with both of the creative free spirits that have been married for over 50 years, in their home, a former school in the Dutch region of Betuwe, in the province of Gelderland. She participated in their daily lives a… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



17 Jun – 11 Sep 2016

Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents nine examples of contemporary landscape photography in "WONDERS OF THE WORLD". Each approach is very unique in showing how man deals with the environment and the landscape. The show addresses issues about generating energy resources and processing waste as well as man’s responsibility for the environment and the climate. Through diverse artistic approaches, each of these internationally-renowned photographers demons-trates the impact that man … more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Susan Meiselas



9 Mar – 5 Jun 2016
The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents central bodies of work by Susan Meiselas, the renowned American photographer. Her first solo exhibition in Germany focuses on the Magnum legend's unique documentary style, making her practice relevant today. The exhibition includes new works developed on site in Frankfurt. Meiselas captures how hardship, violence, and war impacts individuals.

Persecution, displacement, flight, loss of home has for many decades been a focus for the awardwinning Americ… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Serge Clément



21 Nov 2015 – 7 Feb 2016

Dépaysé explores the intimate connection between the Canadian artist and his work. The exhibition at Fotografie Forum Frankfurt features fifty black and white photographs and an oversized hand-made artist book. This body of work was developed on the margins of the artist’s many photographic projects over a forty-year career.

For Clément, photography has always been closely related to the book, particularly with the idea that an image refers to other images. On the… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Beyond Transisi.

Beyond Transisi.

Contemporary Indonesian Photography

1 Oct – 15 Nov 2015

The exhibition "Beyond Transisi" introduces influential photographic artists working in Indonesia today. Nine photographers born between 1960 and 1990 present key bodies of work documenting past and present circumstances of their country. They have all witnessed defining moments of transition within Indonesia: the booming expansion of Jakarta and Indonesia as a whole, political authoritarianism and democratic reformation, the digital revolution and the devastating consequences of nat… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



100 Years Of Leica Photography

13 Mar – 31 May 2015

The exhibition "EYES WIDE OPEN! 100 Years Of Leica Photography" illuminates various aspects of 35mm photography, from journalistic strategies to documentary approaches and artistic positions. Among the artists whose work will be shown are Nobuyoshi Araki, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Bruno Barbey, René Burri, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Bruce Davidson, Michel Vanden Eeckhoudt, William Eggleston, Ralph Gibson, F.C. Gundlach, Elisabeth Hase, Fred Herzog, Barbara Klemm, Herbert List, Paula L… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Saul Leiter



13 Dec 2014 – 1 Mar 2015

Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents a retrospective of the photographer and painter Saul Leiter. The exhibition includes more than 100 works and brings together a marvellous combination of his early black-and-white and colour street photography, fashion images, paintings, and his sketchbooks. Also on view are the works, which he made throughout the last years of his life, on the streets in his neighbourhood in New York’s East Village. Saul Leiter died shortly before his 90th birthday i… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18



Contemporary Finnish Photography

4 Oct – 30 Nov 2014
As part of the Finnish Guest of Honour programme Frankfurt Book Fair 2014, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt continues a long-established exhibition series dedicated to international dialogue. From October 4 to November 30, 2014 the exhibition “Potretti” introduces seven contemporary photographic artists from Finland, who investigate subjects via the genre of portraiture in ways surpassing documentary presentation.

The participating artists are Elina Brotherus, Ulla Jokisalo, Harri P&… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Davide Monteleone



4th Carmignac Gestion Photojournalism Award

30 Aug – 28 Sep 2014

“Spasibo” a photojournalistic essay by Italian photographer Davide Monteleone, is the second exhibition in the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt’s new residence at Braubachstraße 30–32 in Frankfurt am Main.

As the winner of the 4th Carmignac Gestion Photojournalism Award, Davide Monteleone’s was able to produce the astute photographic documentary on the Chechen culture and identity.

This project has its German premier from August 30, to September 28, 2014 at the … more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Viviane Sassen

In and Out of Fashion

In and Out of Fashion

17 May – 17 Aug 2014
The Dutch photographer Viviane Sassen has carved out her own unmistakable style and it is held in high regard. Alongside her autonomous work, however, she has worked many years as a fashion photographer. The Fotografie Forum Frankfurt will premier Viviane Sassen. In and Out of Fashion, a retrospective of her fashion photography from the last 18 years. Living in Kenya when she was a child has influenced her work as well as her studies in fine arts, photography and fashion design. In the Netherlan… more

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

FFi - Fotografie Forum international
Weckmarkt 17
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Austria today

ECB: The Annual photography award 2006

28 Oct – 26 Nov 2006

Fotografie Forum FrankfurtDE

Fotografie Forum international
Weckmarkt 17
60311 Frankfurt (Main)

+49 (0)69-291726


Tue-Sun 11-18

Relating to Photography

Highlights aus privaten Frankfurter Fotorgafie-Sammlungen

Berenice Abbott

Ansel Adams

Akinbode Akinbiyi

Paul Almasy

Pierre Jean Amar

… (141)

Ellen Auerbach

John Baldessari

Édouard Baldus

Max Baur

Bernd & Hilla Becher

Lucie Beppler

Ruth Bernhard

Daniel Biskup

Robert Blake

Frieder Blickle

Bill Brandt

Marco Breuer

Hardy Burmeier

René Burri

Harry Callahan

Paul Caponigro

Jean-Philippe Charbonnier

Kevin Clarke

Kerstin Cmelka

Mario Cravo Neto

Mirko Crizanovic

Imogen Cunningham

Philine Dahlström

Walter Dahn

Philip-Lorca diCorcia

Pietro Donzelli

Alfred Eisenstaedt

Hermann Försterling

Andreas Feininger

Roger Fenton

Larry Fink

Abe Frajndlich

Helmut Fricke

Lee Friedlander

Francis Frith

Mario Giacomelli

Ralph Gibson

Nan Goldin

Greg Gorman

Gosbert Gottmann

Peter Granser

Rainer Griese

F.C. Gundlach

David Hall

Robert F. Hammerstiel

Erich Hartmann

Wolfgang Haut

Risk Hazekamp

John Hilliard

Jacob Hilsdorf

Theodor Hilsdorf

Lewis Hine

Thomas Hoepker

Frank Horvat

Mimmo Jodice

Karol Kállay

Thomas Karsten

André Kertész

Edmund Kesting

Jürgen Klauke

Barbara Klemm

Udo Koch

Mayumi Lake

Jacques-Henri Lartigue

Martin Liebscher

Herbert List

Peter Loewy

Laurie Long

Didier Ben Loulou

Man Ray

Ann Mandelbaum

Mark Markov-Grinberg

Will McBride

Roger Melis

Duane Michals

Tracey Moffatt

László Moholy-Nagy

Sarah Moon

Elizabeth Motlow

Helmut Newton

Pavel Odvody

Brigitte Orth

Philippe Pache

Laura J. Padgett

Rondal Partridge

Susan Pastor

Jochen Peter

John Pfahl

Felix und Günter Pfannmüller

Fred Picker

Hans Pieler

George Platt-Lynes

Klaus Polkowski

Marion Post Wolcott

Renée Pötzscher

Robert Rauschenberg

Bernd Reich

Albert Renger-Patzsch

Evelyn Richter

Miguel Rio Branco

Herb Ritts

Thomas Ruff

Michèl Saloff

August Sander

Jörg Sasse

Jan Saudek

Walter Schels

Karl Hugo Schmölz

Joe Schwartz

Sabine Seitz

Cindy Sherman

Stephen Shore

Aaron Siskind

Uwe Steinberg

Alfred Stieglitz

Sasha Stone

Paul Strand

Beat Streuli

Thomas Struth

Hiroshi Sugimoto

Antanas Sutkus

John Thomson (1837-1921)

Wolfgang Tillmans

Shoji Ueda

Jerry N. Uelsmann

UMBO (Otto Umbehr)

Javier Vallhonrat

B. Various

Wolfgang Volz

Vincent Alan W

Horst Wackerbarth

Robert Walker


Dick Wenzel

Bob Werling

Brett Weston

Edward Weston

Karin Wieckhorst

Kai Wiedenhöfer

Garry Winogrand

Tom Wood

13 Aug – 26 Sep 2004