The Photographic Collections of Les Abattoirs and the Galerie Le Château d’EauTWEN: DAS MAGAZIN DER SECHZIGER CELEBRATING BASEBALL PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MAJOR LEAGUE AND NEGRO LEAGUE TO LITTLE LEAGUE AND STICKBALLVon der Romantik in die ZukunftPhotographic Treasures of the 20th CenturyHistoire(s) de la photographieA wonderful selection of rare and valuable works by some of the greatest names in photography.Photographs from the Nicola Erni Collection. 1930s to NowPhotographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1940–2001POLAROIDS, UNIQUE PRINTS, PHOTOGRAMS, CYANOTYPES AND EDITIONS OF 1Hommage à Jean-Claude PalisseSeven Decades of Street Photography / Street Photography aus sieben JahrzehntenLes photographes de l’École de New York, 1935-1965une esthétique de la photographie – Collection de la BnF
gesellschaftskritisch konzeptuelles Mailart-ProjektDa Capa a Ghirri. Capolavori dalla Collezione BerteroA Hundred Years of PhotographyStreet Photography aus sieben JahrzehntenLichtmalerei, Fotogramm, FotomontagePortraitfotografie – Sammlung SpallartPhotographs from the collection of Carla SozzaniPhotographs from the Collection of Carla SozzaniCARTE BLANCHE TO PARIS PHOTO - GROUPE ADPHommage à F.C. Gundlach, Photographe et CollectionneurSeven Decades of Street Photography / Street Photography aus sieben Jahrzehnten 7. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg 2018Selections from the John Cleary Kid CollectionMeisterwerke der Fotosammlung der AlbertinaWilliam Klein and Photographers Living in the 22nd CenturyFotografien der 60er und 70er Jahre aus der Nicola Erni CollectionA travers la Collection Lola GarridoAmerican Photography after the War
Works from an important private collectionA collection to show the example IIHighlights from the Howard Greenberg Gallery collectionImportant Vintage Photographs from a Private CollectionPhotographs from the Collection of Carla SozzaniExposition collective de la collection du Château d'EauReflection and Perception in PhotographyThe Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty MuseumPhotographs of the 60s and 70s from the Nicola Erni Collection / Fotografien der 60er und 70er Jahre aus der Nicola Erni CollectionFOTOGRAFIA - Festival Internazionale di RomaThe Wagstaff Collection of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty MuseumHommage à Etsuro ISHIHARAAUGEN AUF! 100 Jahre Leica Fotografiekuratiert von Gerry Badger aus der Sammlung von Johannes FaberPhotography Highlights from the Permanent Collection60 years of fashion photographyMalerei und Photographie von William Turner bis Olafur Eliasson20th Century Fashion PhotographersFifty-one celebrates 15 yearsPhotography from the CollectionA Century of Photography at Condé NastA Century of Photography at Condé Nast400 works from the Rijksmuseum's rich 20th-century photography collectionA Portable History of Photography.100 JAHRE LEICA FOTOGRAFIEPhotographies et vidéos contemporainesFOTOGRAFEN, STARS UND KÜNSTLERThe photography between Dream & RealityThe Snapshot Aesthetic Revisited Fotografien aus der Sammlung F.C. GundlachImmagini da 8 anni di mostreYoshiyuki Iwase (1904-2001, Japan) and others artistsArt between € 50.- and € 500,-100 Jahre Modefotografie von Man Ray bis Mario Testinola collection photographique de Freddy DenaësVon Stieglitz bis Man RayPARIS IM FOTOBUCH 1890 bis heuteA Perfume of Italy in the Collection of Frac AquitaineAs Inspired by F.C. GundlachA journey through PhotographySTREET PHOTOGRAPHY AUS NEW YORKInternational Center of Photography - Year of FashionDie Preisträger der Hasselblad Foundationmaestri della fotografia del XX secoloSelf-Reflection in Fashion PhotographyAmerican Photographs from the Collection, 1938–1958Werke aus der Sammlung F.C. Gundlachfrom the Rijksmuseum's photo collectionAn Exhibition of Important Books and Photographsfrom the collection of Centre Georges PompidouThe Fashion Revolution 1950-1970une sélection proposée par Martin Parr Det Nationale Fotomuseums samlingchefs d'oeuvre choisis de la Collection Ordoñez FalconDie Photographische Sammlung Albertina WienEine Geschichte der Fotografie |