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Exhibitions at Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



14 Sep – 22 Nov 2024
Eigentlich haben Männer auch ihr Gutes. Schließlich gelten sie gemeinhin als mutig, gelegentlich sogar als durchsetzungsstark. Männer sollen einem gängigen Vorurteil zufolge logisch-rational und mit Interessen für mancherlei Details ausgestattet sein. Andererseits müssen all diese Qualitäten nicht automatisch schon zum Guten gereichen. Schließlich hat schon Jean Paul-Sartre einst spitzfindig bemerkt, dass Gespräche mit Angehörigen des vermeintlich stärkeren Geschlechts auch furchtbar … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Max Jacoby

West-Berlin der 60er Jahre

West-Berlin der 60er Jahre

15 Jun – 30 Aug 2024

Grenzen sind Linien. Als Striche ziehen sie sich über Landkarten, als Mauern queren sie Dörfer und Städte. Der Photograph Max Jacoby hat eine solche Grenze gezeigt. Immer wieder. Mal zog sie sich als zugemauerte Hausfassade über nahezu den gesamten Bildraum seiner zu jener Zeit ausschließlich schwarzweißen Photographien, dann wieder erschien sie als unpassierbare Betonwand – als dunkle Körnung, die von links unten nach rechts oben über nahezu das gesamte fotografische Tableau hinwe… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Donata Wenders



16 Mar – 30 May 2024

The way the light refracts - it passes through the leaves of a tree, dances over waves, makes shadows darker and the moon a little brighter. Anyone watching the new, Oscar-nominated film 'Perfect Days' by Wim Wenders these days may also feel it, the recurring wish throughout the evening that the film should stand still for a moment so that we can spend a few more seconds in dialogue with individual images. And this despite the fact that the film about the life of Mr Hirayama - a toil… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Koichiro Kurita

地 水 気

地 水  気

Terrasphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere

21 Oct 2023 – 6 Mar 2024

Anyone visiting Johanna Breede's photo gallery in Berlin this winter will experience pure meditation on the walls: rocks resting stoically in a lake; grasses nestling against soft water; a line of snow snaking across dark rock like the boundary between yin and yang. The photographer of this poetic and contemplative work encounters nature with his camera as if he had just discovered the power of sight for himself. Koichiro Kurita turned a proud 80 years old in November. It has now been half… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



24 Jun – 14 Oct 2023

There is no single female gaze. When women look at women, the gazes are as varied as the personalities of the photographers and their models - anyone visiting Johanna Breede's gallery this summer can see this for themselves. We encounter tender glances and encouraging ones, those that look cautiously behind façades and those that are thrown at a person as if casually catching a glimpse. On the gallery walls in Berlin's Fasanenstraße, it is mainly silent glances from wome… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Gundula Schulze Eldowy

Berlin in einer Hundenacht

Berlin in einer Hundenacht

4 Mar – 17 Jun 2023

In den 1970er und 1980er Jahren durchstreift Gundula Schulze Eldowy das alte Ostberlin. Sie fixiert mit ihrer Kamera die Narben, die der Krieg in der Stadt und ihren Bewohnern hinterlassen hat und hält in ihren Bildern die letzten Spuren des im Untergang begriffenen alten Berliner Milieus fest, dessen Existenz gern verleugnet wurde. Sie wendet den Blick nicht ab, wenn sie Armut, Elend, Verzweiflung und Einsamkeit begegnete. Es entstehen Bilder, die schonungslos sind in ihrer sozialen Ti… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Wim Wenders



Film stills from films by Wim Wenders

16 Feb – 25 Feb 2023

"When the art of photography was around 75 years old, pictures finally wanted to move: 24 individual still images per second rushing through a projector achieved this illusion for a good 100 years. Each of these individual images can still produce a photograph again. Sometimes, with a bit of luck, it can also be 'moving' on its own". Wim Wenders

"FilmBilder" presents film stills from Wim Wenders' films - images stopped in motion, so … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Miriam Tölke

Traum und Wirklichkeit

Traum und Wirklichkeit

26 Nov 2022 – 10 Feb 2023

What is so special about the visual practice of photography? Photography is a late and still young member of the family of arts. Although art, graphic art, from the very beginning people have had a more intimate, life-like, unbiased relationship with it than with the traditional arts. With photography, its users have been less respectful from the beginning. Thousands of years of depiction and transformation of reality on stone and in stone, on parchment and canvas and paper, in bronze and wax… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



29 Sep – 18 Nov 2022

Autumn divides the minds - and the spirits. For some, late September marks the beginning of the uncomfortable, cold time of the year. The days become shorter, the world outside grayer. But for others, autumn is a season as underrated as it is inspiring, full of color, emotion and romance. A simultaneity that many poets have written about. In Hoffmann von Fallersleben, autumn comes with rich gifts and distributes them cheerfully. In Rilke, the last sweetness is chased into the heavy wine. In Ro… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



21 Jun – 16 Sep 2022
The year is in full swing, people are drawn to the meadows and beaches, the leaves dress the trees in rich green. And even if we can't see them in black-and-white photographs, the bright colors of summer can still be glimpsed. In any case, Johanna Breede, with her skilful sense of image selection and composition, once again knows how to make colors shine that are not there at first glance.

In the monochrome photographs of Jens Knigge or Marek Pozniak, for example, we intuitively believe we… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



31 Mar – 10 Jun 2022

Spring means promise. The last March storms have long since blown away the previous year. The days are green again. Nature is lavish once more. It shakes us out of our winter dormancy and points us towards cheer, light and love. Spring has also arrived on Fasanenstraße, as is evident in Johanna Breede’s luminous gallery. On one wall, a couple is kissing - it is 1955 and the Munich photographer Stefan Moses is walking through the world with observing eyes and an open camera lens.… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



23 Nov 2021 – 11 Mar 2022
Winter, those are memories. The crunching of deep firn under the boots; wondrous ice flowers on the window panes; the sweet sightings of early snowdrops. But above all, winter is the season when the world becomes quieter. Thomas Mann once caressed a snow-covered mountain landscape with his words as "padded soundlessness". It is not only the world that becomes quieter, but also the colours. Grey light, white fields, black branches. The paint of winter is as monochrome as it is rich in c… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



29 Jun – 13 Nov 2021
When the gallery doors open again after more than a year of Corona restrictions and lockdowns, the question arises: what have we missed the most? What have we suffered the most from?
Under the most modest of all titles, Johanna Breede's UNTITLED invites us to a concert of wishes that holds a whole grab bag of answers. Here "untitled" does not mean without a concept, but rather elevates the greatest possible freedom, for which we have longed for so long. It is the freedom of choic… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Stefan Moses



17 Nov 2020 – 18 Jun 2021

Anyone who observes Stefan Moses at work is suddenly drawn into the maelstrom of that quiet insistent madness with which a great photographer makes the living objects submissive, if not defenseless, to his desire. He smiles kindly. Many gentle, affirmative words create the deceptive impression of a conversation, as if the photographic victim still had a will of his own, as if he still had something to contribute to his self-expression. Last resistances and initial alertness turn into an atmosph… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Kurt Wendlandt



26 Sep – 10 Nov 2020

With about 40 works, the exhibition is dedicated to the artist Kurt Wendlandt as a light graphic artist. During his work as an illustrator, Wendlandt was confronted in the 1950s with new production-technical printing processes based on film material. Fascinated by this for him new translucent and large-format material, he expanded his experience as a photographer and turned to the techniques of image processing and generating new graphics in the darkroom. With different materials such as film,… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Martin Munkácsi

Black and white photography

Black and white photography

7 Jul – 11 Sep 2020

When you leave - whether it is only to another country or forever in a memory - you take a piece of your life lived until then with you. You pack up your lights and your shadows, tie up the little package of worries, wishes and fantasies. Maybe you take the train to Berlin or a ship far across the ocean. But you always travel with all the household goods of your character and with your confused life stories. Martin Munkácsi has left. In May 1934, the then 38-year-old photographer embark… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Isa Marcelli

Le jardin de Noriko

Le jardin de Noriko

4 Apr – 26 Jun 2020

Beginning and end are in the garden. From here - from the shade of picturesque trees or from the silence of the tiny pond - from here our life once went out; and here it will return. At least that is what the old tales want; legend of Avalon or of Eden, of the green of the Hespherides or the far-off paradise: "There the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east," it says right at the beginning of Genesis. And in the 47 Sura of the Koran it is adorned: "Brooks with water tha… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



15 Feb – 13 Mar 2020

The day the pictures learned to walk was a Friday. The brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière, soon celebrated all over the world as the inventors of the cinema release, had invited to the Paris Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie to set the light image in motion. It was March 22, 1895, when the whole world was to see it - as if photography had been given a kind of breath. The new cinematograph, in any case, kept them on their toes. And since then she has bee… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Hannes Kilian

Photographien 1937-1977

Photographien 1937-1977

9 Nov 2019 – 31 Jan 2020
Hannes Kilian was the eye of a long century - one that was often as crazy and breathtaking as the characters it left behind. Sometimes, Kilian managed to capture this craziness in a single photo - sometimes knowingly and deliberately, sometimes by chance and en passant. This was also the case in 1977, when the photographer, born in Ludwigshafen in 1909, saw the mysterious silhouette of a small church in the shadow of the two large towers of the then-young World Trade Center. On a black-and-white… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Liselotte Strelow



11 Sep – 31 Oct 2019
"The most entertaining surface on earth is that of the human face." (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)

On September 11, Liselotte Strelow would celebrate her 111th birthday - enough to commemorate her photographic work, the image of a photographer who is one of the most important and most accomplished representatives of German portraiture and theater photography of the 20th century. Her camera was the meeting point of many interesting faces and personalities. The result was an extensive … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Sheila Rock

The Floating World

The Floating World

6 Jun – 30 Aug 2019

"Fashion evokes a transient universe of stylishness and fantasy . Like the floating world in Japan, my photographs offer a sensory provocation that is forever changing." Sheila Rock

Like the fashion world, fashion photography is diverse and reinvents itself again and again, by expressing poetry and coolness, glamor and provocation.

Sheila Rock, an internationally famous and multi-talented photographer, has had solo exhibitions all over the world. Her personal work is in the perma… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



23 Feb – 29 May 2019
It is the year 1969: In the French Church of St. Moritz, Herbert von Karajan, then Chief Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, conducts Arthur Honegger's Symphony no. 2. The exact circumstances of the concert are not known. The only thing that remains is the silence. Robert Lebeck has sculpted them on a minimalist composition of light and shadow. But each before and after is cut off: only the genius and the great silence; the moment between two sentences, between two bars or two notes. … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Herbert List

Part escape, part desire / Teils Flucht, teils Sehnsucht

Part escape, part desire / Teils Flucht, teils Sehnsucht

The path to exile of the photographer Herbert List / Vom Weg ins Exil des Photographen Herbert List

2 Oct 2018 – 9 Feb 2019
The year 1936 was decisive for Herbert List: the Nuremberg Racial Laws were announced the year before and private life in Germany became very regulated. Artist friends of his youth like Erika and Klaus Mann, or Andreas Feininger had left. The partJewish photographer received warnings that his openly gay life and his contempt for the Nazis were reported to the Gestapo.

Almost overnight he left Germany and with it his bourgeois existence as a coffee merchant in his family’s enterprise. List… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Stefan Moses

Artists / Künstler

Artists / Künstler

9 Jun – 21 Sep 2018
A man disappears. He turns his face to the camera, holding a mask in front of his mouth, thus removing his person from reality. Only the dark eyes remain, a high forehead with grey hair, wrinkled hands showing traces of age. The rest has evolved – at least for the short moment of a photograph; for the "elusive moment", in which the subject has disappeared behind a strange amorphous object which can barely be identified. Is it a piece of dark wood? An old dried leaf? Whatever it i… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Robert Lebeck

Romy in Quiberon, 1981

Romy in Quiberon, 1981

Original photographs which inspired the movie '3 Days in Quiberon'

13 Apr – 1 Jun 2018

A woman. A man. A hotel. A landscape. It is early April 1981. In the French seaside resort Quiberon, a quiet little harbor city on a peninsula in the Atlantic, Romy Schneider met the photographer Robert Lebeck. It was as if they had known each other for a long time. He had portrayed her many years ago. It was not the last time the two would meet. However, it would never be as intense as here in Quiberon. April 1981.

Quiberon: a rough landscape between steep cliffs and a rough sea. Robert Leb… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Donata Wenders

Gelesene Zeit

Gelesene Zeit

Photographic studies / Photographische Studien

20 Jan – 6 Apr 2018

We all shine. We shine far beyond our days – our light continues to travel throughout time, infinitely. "We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun", John Lennon promised in his 1970's song "Instant Karma". We seem to go on and on and on. Perhaps this is one of the most unfathomable aspects of humanity. The enormity of this idea has shaped myths, artistic masterpieces and the paths of lives. It has influenced the thinking of philosophers and has giv… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

René Groebli

Meine ersten neunzig Jahre

Meine ersten neunzig Jahre

30 Sep 2017 – 12 Jan 2018

They say that love never ends. It hopes for everything and seeks the truth; it does not bear grudges; it sustains. Perhaps one only needs to learn to see properly – with eyes willing to believe and to tolerate everything. Eyes anticipating a stretched back to suggest the grace of Nike with broken wings and a fleeting pose to suggest a poetic "film noir". The Swiss photographer René Groebli has such eyes - they transform the world. His eyes create a sensual landscape from… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Nomi Baumgartl



11 Jul – 22 Sep 2017

The world is full of paradoxes: speech without words, knowledge that no longer needs thoughts. It seems contradictions are what really drive us in life; the journey without routes and routine. Already in the sixth century the Chinese Zen master Kanchi Sosan taught that even if our words were exact and our thoughts correct, they would never correspond to the truth, since truth defies any logic and all expectations, leading through alleged deviations and contradictions.

Nomi Baumgartl has exper… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



1 Mar – 30 Jun 2017

Love loves small things. Love doesn't seek big pathos or emphasis. Love hides in the profane; in the shiny shoes in which one has journeyed or in the perfect fold of a beautiful dress. The really big things often lurk in the smallest of details. "I believe," the American poet Walt Whitman once wrote, "a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars." It is a poetry of dignity and nuance. This is a credo about the interplay of all things and the reverberati… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Ulrike Ottinger



Ausstellung anläßlich der Neuerscheinung des Künstlerbuches und der Sonderedition

9 Feb – 19 Feb 2017
Ein Jahr nachdem Ulrike Ottingers jüngster Film "CHAMISSOS SCHATTEN" im Rahmen des Berlinale Forum uraufgeführt wurde, erscheint am 31. Januar 2017 die Künstleredition "CHAMISSOS SCHATTEN" Künstlerbuch - Katalog - DVD. Die in vier Teile großangelegte filmische Expedition in das nördliche Eismeer, an die äußerste Ostküste Russlands, entlang der Halbinsel Kamtschatka sowie deren geografischen Brücke hinüber nach Alaska is… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Jens Knigge

Northern Light

Northern Light

1 Dec 2016 – 4 Feb 2017

Humility in the face of nature and its inimitable sublimity: that is the feeling that overcomes Jens Knigge during his wintertime travels along the Arctic Circle. He has recorded his impressions of snow-covered landscapes and the mysterious aurora borealis in mostly small-format platinum-palladium prints. In the end, the contact sheets of the negatives of his analog photographs illustrate the inadequacy of established formal idioms and modes of expression. For it seems to be virtually imposs… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Stefan Moses

A World Theatre / Ein Welttheater

A World Theatre / Ein Welttheater

1 Oct – 26 Nov 2016

The world is a stage. In the wings of work and everyday life, against a backdrop of hope and care, we perform our tiny roles in the vast world theatre. Perhaps we’re not aware of the play. Perhaps the stages are too large and the masquerades have become like a second skin. We know neither the title of the piece, nor do we know the author, set designer or any happy endings. We’re just mimes, imposters of social roles, actors in beloved figurations. At certain moments, however, we s… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Isa Marcelli

Le laboratoire des rêves

Le laboratoire des rêves

16 Jul – 24 Sep 2016

When we depart, walking over the summer leaves and the meadows which confidently and piercingly surrendered to the sun, memories resonate in each of our steps. We leave regret and desire behind, while the future lurks ahead in the bushes. And this is only an image from a lost garden – made from a fabric, woven from flowers and freckles. The photographer Isa Marcelli, born in Algeria in 1958, has many such images in her work - images which appear like small flashbacks. They are reminisce… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



7 May – 8 Jul 2016

There is no photography. There is always only the photograph which gazes back at the viewer. Sometimes with a careful, tentative and questioning look; sometimes with a brisk or hasty glance. But it always offers something: an invitation to brief conversations. The viewer always looks, and the photograph, full of curiosity, gazes back. As in 1966, when the German reportage photographer Robert Lebeck took a portrait of the former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer at his 90th birthday celebration … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Karin Székessy

Natur - La Femme - Polaroids

Natur - La Femme - Polaroids

5 Mar – 30 Apr 2016

Some thoughts inspired by Lessing’s Laocoon on the art of Karin Székessy by Max Bense: "The beauty that is communicated to us from physical objects is subject to general laws that may relate to several things; to actions and thoughts just as much as to external appearance." (Laocoon, 1766)

Looking at the photographs by Karin Székessy might inspire you to write a new Laocoon which would have to take as its subject less "the limits of painting and poetry"… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Ulrike Ottinger

Chamisso's Shadow / Chamissos Schatten

Chamisso's Shadow / Chamissos Schatten

5 Dec 2015 – 27 Feb 2016

The world is disrupted. Behind familiarity there is often the unknown; behind the present history extends itself. Wherever there is light there is also shadow - a discrepancy which is difficult to bear. From here to there it is often only a jump. Only a few manage to make exactly this jump to the homeland; to build a house on the cracks and borders. One who did manage this jump is the German-French naturalist and poet Adelbert von Chamisso. In an either/or situation he tried the third option. … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Thomas Hoepker



12 Sep – 28 Nov 2015

The world is being manipulated. Things which we consider to be real may be, at closer inspection, just a muddle of incoherent messages. What had once been clear signs of communication, now looks like a mess - jumbled and confused. Dallas, Texas 1963: the facade of a building, facing the highway, is scattered by texts and signs - it's a chaos of letters. One message conceals the next, one billboard covers it's neighbor. The more we want to decipher this image the less we understand t… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



20 Jun – 5 Sep 2015

All water is a parable. It has depth and breadth; it has calm and tumult. It appears to reflect all ambiguities. Even in antiquity it was referred to as the basis of life: "Everything from water, and to water everything returns," said the philosopher Thales of Miletus.

The photographers Sheila Rock and Beat Presser could say the same of water. On June 19th, the Galerie Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST opens the exhibition Seascapes, in which Sheila Rock and Beat Presser together take… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



21 Mar – 13 Jun 2015

We alone are the insiders of our interior worlds. Within ourselves we feel safe and yet often isolated and sealed off. At the same time, hope is almost always contained therein: evident itself in windows, in the gates of the eyes. Each window is a link, a step between the interior and the exterior. The window functions just as with the lens of a camera - it is the point between the camera obscura and the outside. The point where light breaks through and illuminates another world.

Alfred Hi… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Monique Jacot

Une vie d’images

Une vie d’images

23 Jan – 14 Mar 2015

1956 schliesst Monique Jacot, 22jährig, ihre Ausbildung als Photographin mit einem Diplom der Ecole des Arts et Métiers in Vevey ab. Ihre Lehrer Gertrude Fehr, Hermann König und Claudine Peter haben ihr das technische Rüstzeug vermittelt und Anregungen für ein kreatives bildnerisches Gestalten im Studio gegeben – dies allerdings noch ganz im Geist der Vorkriegszeit, geprägt von traditionellen Auffassungen über die Aufgaben und die Bestimmung der Phot… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Donata Wenders



15 Nov 2014 – 17 Jan 2015

The world is everything that is the case. It is a rolling landscape at dusk and a swarm of birds over a temple's roof. The world is a teacup in Onomichi and a deserted island in Naoshima. It is, in actuality, everything that is the case. Or, at least, so indicates the famous first posit of Wittgenstein's "Tractatus logico-philosophicus". But the world could also be the reality depicted in Donata Wenders' photo series "Journey to Onomichi". In this photograp… more

Johanna BreedeDE

autorenbuchhandlung berlin
Else-Ury-Bogen 599-601/Savignyplatz,
10623 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Birgit Kleber



Ausstellung in der autorenbuchhandlung berlin

19 Oct – 2 Dec 2014

Fotografen haben ihre eigene Wahrheit. Sie zeigen uns immer nur einen Ausschnitt dessen, was wirklich da ist. Sie verfremden, dirigieren Licht und Schatten. Sie machen sich groß oder klein, klettern oder legen sich hin. Sie haben ein eigenes Zeitgefühl und häufig ein gutes Gespür für den richtigen Moment. Zwischen ihnen und dem, was sie sehen, steht immer die Kamera. Wann der Auslöser gedrückt wird, bleibt ihr Geheimnis. Erst mit dem fertigen Bild lassen sie … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Jens Knigge

Platinum Prints

Platinum Prints

6 Sep – 8 Nov 2014
The Finest Shades of Gray

When a contemporary photographer is interested in such an archaic technique as the platinum-palladium print in our age of digital imagery, he must have a good reason: for Jens Knigge it is likely the rich gray tonal scale which can only be achieved in this process. As Irving Penn before him, Knigge has perfected the entire production process as few others have, starting with releasing the shutter of his large-format camera, to the work he later performs in the darkroom… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Michael Ruetz




14 Jun – 26 Jul 2014

The series THE ABSOLUTE LANDSCAPE resembles a play, in which light becomes the principal actor, time the author, and the landscape simply the stage and setting. Through light, as an analogy of time, the invisible author attempts to establish a visible presence. The performance of this theater of light runs over a quarter of a century.

This concept dates back to the idea of the serial representation of time as invented by Muybridge and later revisited by Monet. Muybridge disassembles movemen… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Robert Lebeck

Zum 85. Geburtstag

Zum 85. Geburtstag

22 Mar – 7 Jun 2014
Great careers have small beginnings. When Robert Lebeck was given his first camera in 1952, he cannot have dreamt that in the course of five decades that little device would help him become probably Germany’s most important photo-reporter. And his photographic training is reckoned to have lasted just ten minutes – the time it took him to read the instruction booklet for his brand-new Retina 1a back then. His first pictures were apparently enlarged in his bathroom and then dried in th… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



18 Jan – 15 Mar 2014

It’s a man’s world. James Brown even sang a song about it. Men were the ones who had invented cars, trains and ships. Men were the born creators. The “King of Soul” failed to mention however that it was also men who invented photography; men, who first created artificial images from light and chemicals. Technically enthusiastic homo faber. It was small wonder that such types initially found themselves mostly behind rather than in front of their new inventions; where the… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Ulrike Ottinger



Japan 2011

29 Nov 2013 – 11 Jan 2014
Wer geht, lässt los. Wer geht, kappt alte Haltepunkte; verlässt Vertrautes und folgt seiner Vision. Erst wo das Alte rückwärtig am Horizont verschwindet, scheinen neue Lösungen möglich zu werden. „Das Wissen kommt von den Sohlen“, heißt es in Werner Herzogs Reisebeschreibung „Vom Gehen im Eis“. Wandern ist eben immer auch Wandlung; ist Lebenslauf; ist Loslassung. Von einer solchen Metamorphose beim Gehen erzählt auch Ulrike Ottinge… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Ulrike Ottinger



China: 1985     Japan: 2011

7 Sep – 23 Nov 2013

A retoucher’s workshop: a table in the window, which is both light source and shop window. His retoucher’s pen in his right hand, he leans over a portrait photo, comparing the fruits of his labour with a small photographic original. On the table, other pens or brushes lie ready, next to magnifying glasses and all kinds of boxes, tins and phials. The retoucher’s face is unseen, yet the overall picture is one of the greatest precision and an almost meditative absorption.

A the… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Marek Poźniak



Photographies 1985 - 2010

1 Jun – 24 Aug 2013

As we recall, “You press the button, we do the rest” was the advertising slogan when - over a century ago - Georg Eastman, the founder of the Kodak Empire, simplified photography so that even laymen could arrive at reasonable results. Since then, photography has experienced a complex development: both technically and with regard to the aesthetics of the image. In the meantime, analogous processes are being replaced by digital. In relation to this, Marek Pozniak took a voluntary ste… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



8 Mar – 25 May 2013
Women are a major driving force of photography. No sooner had French pioneer Louis Daguerre introduced the media to the public in 1839 than it began to be used as a method to portray female beauty. It was American chemist John W. Draper who ushered women into photography with a portrait of his sister Dorothy. And ever since, the suspicion has been that a wooing Orpheus lurks behind the cold technology of the camera - an artist whose intentions are to captivate and seduce women with photographs.

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Louis Stettner

The First Ninety Years

The First Ninety Years

1 Dec 2012 – 2 Mar 2013
The with outcry of “There is the sun!” the child Louis Stettner, dramatically gesturing towards the heavens, discovered the most primordial of all light sources. They were, according to him, his first words. It is this youthful fervor, and a never-ending passion for the experience of sight that the 90 year old photographer has retained to this day. The moments that he captures from the river of time fascinate through humor and ambiguity, intuition and empathy, like the picture &ldquo… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Heinz Hajek-Halke



20 Oct – 24 Nov 2012
Johanna Breede presents Heinz Hajek-Halke (1898-1983), one of the great photography pioneers of the 1920s and early 1930s in Germany. He was one of the first to experiment with superimposed images and montages, to leave the documentary aspect of photography behind him and enter the world of the unreal and the ambiguous. An oversized female nude appears in the middle of a street scene. With alienations such as those in "Üble Nachrede (Slander)" or the famous "Schwarz-Weissen A… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Jens Knigge

Le Thoronet - La Tourette

Le Thoronet - La Tourette

Synergie der Künste

30 Aug – 13 Oct 2012
Romanesque masonry, rounded arches and cushion capitals, juxtaposed with concrete cuboids, pillars and walls – at first sight, Jens Knigge’s photography thematises two seemingly completely different examples of architecture. The Cistercian abbey at Le Thoronet was built in Provence between 1160 and 1190, according to the specifications of Bernard de Clairvaux. The unknown master builder used the local limestone to merge the staggered, multi-levelled construction into the surrounding … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Michael Ruetz



31 May – 11 Aug 2012
Michael Ruetz has created, over the last 50 years, a unique body of photographic work. Superficially, these images might appear to pay tribute to the established forms of animal photography. But a second, more focused view shows that the reverse is true. Ruetz' pictures are as far removed from those of the animal specialists as they are from the images of classical painting. Some of the dogs in his photographs are shown with humans or with other animals, such as cows and cats, or with house… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Stefan Moses



31 Mar – 21 May 2012
Stefan Moses is passionate about meeting his fellow humans and seeing their faces. His portraits are unmistakably sympathetic. They are also marked by the humor and fantasy used by the photographer to achieve his subjects' playful cooperation. His art moves beyond mere portraiture to capture the depth of the person's character and energy.Srefan Moses' portraits are known for their felicitous intimacy and long-range focus extending over decades. His photography has given us a uniqu… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Hannes Kilian

At Night / Bei Nacht

At Night / Bei Nacht

21 Jan – 24 Mar 2012
In his work as a photojournalist, travel and portrait photographer, as well as a photographer for the legendary Stuttgart Ballet, Hannes Kilian has uniquely combined documentary, the human element and artistic validity.With intuition and precision, the technical and aesthetic possibilities of the photographic medium fully utilized, he recognized the expressive motif in the everyday and seemingly random aspects of life. In doing so, Kilian’s view is indeed subjective.Lighting, angle and ima… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Kurt Wyss



19 Nov 2011 – 7 Jan 2012
The work of the Swiss photographer Kurt Wyss (*1936 Basel) will be shown for the first time in Berlin at Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST.

Le merveilleux photographe Kurt WyssDe la population de Bâle j´ai une idée très arrêtée et c´est qu´elle est faite de gens singuliers. Je sais bien qu´il faut se garder de généraliser trop vite mais tout de même tous les Bâlois que j´ai connus (un certain bon nombre) ét… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Beat Presser

Dhau-Beatus Piratus auf Sindbads Spuren & KINSKI

Dhau-Beatus Piratus auf Sindbads Spuren & KINSKI

10 Nov – 12 Nov 2011
In 2009 Swiss photographer Beat Presser travelled to East Africa to accomplish a story on Dhows. A seafaring culture, spreading from India across the Indian Ocean to the Arabian peninsula and on to East Africa since the early days. Till today. When and where these wooden boats first conquered great distances we will never know. Beat Presser observed fishermen, boat-builders, travelled thousands of miles as a passenger photographing along the coast of Tanzania and to the islands of Zanzibar, Pem… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Sibylle Bergemann

Die Polaroids

Die Polaroids

27 Aug – 5 Nov 2011
The present moment and eternity: never are they as close to one another as in a Polaroid, that type of instant photo that is transient because it fades with time. It is also timeless, because ist fuzziness, the way ist contents seem to flow and merge into each other, opens up new horizons: the surreal rarely demands answers about either time or place. An old-fashioned oddity, the Polaroid is a one-off image, there is no negative. Even at the very moment that it comes into being, it begins to fad… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Max Scheler

Vom Müggelsee bis Hollywood

Vom Müggelsee bis Hollywood

18 Jun – 20 Aug 2011
Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST presents the rediscovery of the German photographer Max Scheler (1928-2003). Scheler, once named Germanys most famous photojournalist of his time, published in Heute, Look, Picture Post, Paris Match, Epoca, Münchner Illustrierten and stern. For his photo essays he travelled around the world for over 25 years.Max Scheler had the ability to pay attention to the nuances in dealing with people. His portraits of celebrities or historical moments are characterized by thi… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Birgit Kleber



7 May – 11 Jun 2011
Birgit Kleber, born in Hannover 1956, worked after her training as a photographer and picture editor for various magazines. In the U.S. she attended workshops by Lotte Jacobi and Berenice Abbott. Since 1984 she works as a freelance photographer concentrating mainly on portrait photography. The protagonists of Fine Art, literature, film, music and photography are all to be found in her archive. Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST puts her focus on those protagonists. The first time Birgit Kleber´s nu… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Karin Székessy

Les filles dans l'atelier

Les filles dans l'atelier

5 Mar – 30 Apr 2011
The method simply photographing a pre-conceived object-world cannot be discussed aesthetically here but in its place, it can be said that the photographic creation of an object-world belongs to the artistic process. It is not the physical, material means of photography from which a selection must be made in every artistic work in order to obtain the artistic product as a totality of certain objects or significances, however concrete or abstract the art. In this kind of artistic photography, as … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



7 Dec 2010 – 28 Feb 2011
In der Photographie gibt es jenen magischen Augenblick, in dem ein Motiv, eine Szene sich zu einer vollendeten Komposition fügt, ein Bild tieferen Sinngehalt gewinnt und die menschliche Seele sichtbar wird. Manche Bildfindungen ergeben sich aus dem Zauber des Augenblicks wie Sibylle Bergemanns Schwarzweißaufnahme ‚Maren’ - mit einer leisen Melancholie und einer einfühlsamen, gelebten Bildsprache. Louis Stettner’s Zwillingstürme des World Trade Center im Mor… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Michael Ruetz

Eye on Life

Eye on Life

Die unbequeme Zeit

29 Oct – 4 Dec 2010
The pictures of political demonstrations and from student communes in Berlin by Michael Ruetz have become a permanent element of German memory culture; hardly any conversation about the events of that time can do without a reference to these photographs – they have been stamped, like coins, into the memory. But for Ruetz himself these pictures were not imaginable without the other ones, there were no student demonstrations without the bourgeois daily life out of which these had sprung, no … more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Liselotte Strelow



3 Sep – 23 Oct 2010
Liselotte Strelow is one of the most significant representatives of German portrait- and theatrephotography of the 20th century. Her work, mainly in the ´50s and ´60s, made a decisive mark on the image of German photography. Her camera was the focus for many and interesting face and personality, resulting in a comprehensive collection of pictures; one of the most striking assemblies of subjective representation - and today also part of history of our century. The protagonists of Fi… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Invisible Past – Images of a vanishing time

Invisible Past – Images of a vanishing time

Bilder einer verschwindenden Zeit

21 Jul – 28 Aug 2010
Johanna Breede PHOTOKUNST präsentiert in ihrer diesjährigen Sommerausstellung „Invisible Past – Bilder einer verschwindenden Zeit“ Photoarbeiten von Sibylle Bergemann, Hannes Kilian, Stefan Moses, Louis Stettner, Birgit Kleber, Dieter Matthes, Martin Mlecko und Leo Pompinon.

Unsere Umgebung befindet sich in einem stetigen Wandel in dem die Zeit ihre Spuren hinterlässt. Veränderungen, Fort- und Rückschritte bestimmen dabei den Verlauf. Wahrnehmungen we… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Sheila Rock

Sera - The Way of the Tibetan Monk

Sera - The Way of the Tibetan Monk

29 May – 10 Jul 2010
In 1970 exiled Tibetan Monks founded the Buddhist monastery, Sera, in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. This monastery furthers the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of one of the "Three Great Monasteries," Sera in Lhasa, the five-hundred-year monastery now under Chinese control. This exiled monastery is a place of shared learning and a place of philosophical and religious debate. It is a place where the highest academic graduates of the monastic university will grow. Monks will study t… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Sibylle Bergemann

L'allure des femmes

L'allure des femmes

26 Mar – 22 May 2010
She has written photographic history: Sibylle Bergemann (born in Berlin in 1941) is one of Germany's truly great photographers. The diversity and scope of her work are frankly remarkable – thus, her mastery embraces fashion, reportages and photo-essays no less than landscapes, cityscapes and portraits. Her images are permeated by respect and empathy for people and their circumstances. Restraint is a hallmark of her photography, whose attention is fully focussed on its subjects. This approach a… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Beat Presser

Beat Presser

Beat Presser

29 Jan – 20 Mar 2010
Photography exposes that magical moment in which one single phrase connects a scene to the entire composition, reveals the deeper meaning behind a picture, and bears man's soul. Beat Presser's art knows many moments like this. They emerge from his deep understanding of the creative power of black and white photography. More importantly, however, as a photographer and film-maker, these magical moments arise from Presser's month- and often year's-long devotion to his projects.

Beat Presser's fame… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Louis Stettner



21 Nov 2009 – 23 Jan 2010
A man sits on a bench, arms wide spread and taking a sunbath, the panorama of Manhattan before him; two Dalmatians, elegant and dignified, on the backseat of a convertible; the Twin Towers of the World Trade Tower in morning haze and a lonely sea gull: many photographs by Louis Stettner have become icons. They are part of his long forays with his camera through entirely normal life. But he looks at the day-to-day in a different and particular way, he is ever ready for the fortuitous and the unus… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Automobil Forum
Unter den Linden 21
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14



Ars Nobilis - Kunstmesse im Automobilforum, Unter den Linden 21 Berlin

6 Nov – 15 Nov 2009
Gute Porträtphotographien zeugen auch von faszinierenden Begegnungen. Zum Beispiel von den kostbaren Minuten, in denen Gundula Schulze Eldowy im Ägyptischen Museum in Kairo die Mumien der Pharaonen photographieren konnte. In der Welt der Lebenden unzähligen neugierigen Blicken ausgesetzt, bekommen die Jahrtausende alten Toten in den Bildern der Photographin ihre würdevolle Spiritualität zurück und entfalten, wie der Kopf Thutmosis' IV., eine eigenartige berührende Schönheit. Die auf Mada… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Herbert Tobias

Solo Exhibition

17 Oct – 14 Nov 2009
Photography determined Herbert Tobias' life for twenty years. At times, as he himself stated, it even drove him to the very edge of insanity. Photography gave Tobias an outlet for his innermost emotions and desires. The camera was also a tool through which he communicated with the rest of the world. In his images of longing, passion, isolation, luck, pain and joy he detailed the architecture of his inner values - a structure that stood opposed to the rise of 1950s consumerism and all its accomp… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Barbara Celestina



3 Sep – 10 Oct 2009
With her profound, subtle instinct for color, form and structure, Barbara Celestina connects landscape and architectural photography with abstracted details of the painted body. She creates, photographically, poetic compositions from three, occasionally four frames. These frames take each corporeal landscape into its own unique atmosphere. Celestina's photographs take the viewer through an experience of our world steeped in color, an experience that includes the sensuality of erotism and the mel… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

ARTIST - PORTRAITS / Künstler-Portraits

ARTIST - PORTRAITS / Künstler-Portraits

30 Jul – 22 Aug 2009
"As a result of the variety of content and the unique personalities of artists the art of portraits appears in many different styles."
Floris M. Neusüssmore

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Torsten Warmuth

Belle de nuit

Belle de nuit

30 May – 25 Jul 2009
The day is light, the night is twilight. As early as 1857, Charles Baudelaire wrote in his poem Le Crépuscule du soir of man's guise which would morph, animal-like, under the "black curtain" of night. Darkness, it is the place of trap doors and two faces.

The theme of darkness (twilight), the magical time before the break of dawn, pervades the work of the photographic artist, Torsten Warmuth (b.1968, in Hildburghausen). In 2006, the museum Kunsthalle Erfurt presented Warmuths' series Nachtsam… more

Johanna BreedeDE

Johanna Breede
Fasanenstr. 69
10719 Berlin

+49 (0)30-88913590


Tue-Fri 11-17, Sat 11-14

Hannes Kilian

Hannes Kilian 1909-1999

Hannes Kilian 1909-1999

Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstages

4 Apr – 23 May 2009
Concurrent with the first ever major retrospective of Hannes Kilian, presented by Berlin's Martin Gropius Bau, Johanna Breede and Gundel Kilian collaborate to present an exhibition of this photojournalist's seminal work.  In honor of his 100th birthday, this exhibition brings together exceptional examples of Kilian's unique, personal, visual reflections, including some previously unpublished images.  Kilian conferred his atypical flair for the phenomenon of movement to the heart of his still, … more